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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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  • Categories: Iberia Sumergida
  • Categories: Rebel Style
  • Color: Black

Fuck Cancel Culture. Lope de Vega - Black T-Shirt

Cancel culture is the withdrawal of support, be it moral, financial, digital, and even social, from those people or organizations that are deemed inadmissible for their comments and actions. Those, those or "those" who transgress the new established order. The perfectly orchestrated trolls and bots to boycott and stigmatize the heretic. Everything fits here, we have all seen the virtual lynchings of those who criticize the system, who do not adhere to any side, and are tightly controlled by the thought police. Artists, writers, rockers, metalheads, famous freethinkers who use "non-inclusive" language and have been defenestrated and burned in those public bonfires. It is the new modern inquisition that limits freedoms and censors all dissidence.

Through newspeak —what is language but the soul of peoples transmitted from generation to generation! We think through it and it guides our behavior—a new change in mentality, another step towards cultural hegemony, a new victory to surrender to this modernity. That revisionism and that political correctness that subjects masters like Tolkien or Lovecraft, to comics like Tintin, Conan, the classics and popular tales and a very long etcetera...

Allow us the outburst and exaggeration, but we believe they will end the great works and authors of Literature. The rich language provided by the geniuses —such as Quevedo, Lope, Calderón or Cervantes— of our Golden Age, full of beauty and greatness, as well as comedy, satire and scathing baroque insults, will soon be persecuted and we will have to apologize because these soldier poets, eager for a spirit of adventure and militia, were born in our bull's skin. The century of arms and letters will be cancelled, its virtues and its universal themes of truth, honor, love, spirit, courage, heroism, chivalry or country will be reduced to ashes in this "reversal" of the politically correct.

Price €25.99

Fuck Cancel Culture. Calderon - Black T-Shirt

Cancel culture is the withdrawal of support, be it moral, financial, digital, and even social, from those people or organizations that are deemed inadmissible for their comments and actions. Those, those or "those" who transgress the new established order. The perfectly orchestrated trolls and bots to boycott and stigmatize the heretic. Everything fits here, we have all seen the virtual lynchings of those who criticize the system, who do not adhere to any side, and are tightly controlled by the thought police. Artists, writers, rockers, metalheads, famous freethinkers who use "non-inclusive" language and have been defenestrated and burned in those public bonfires. It is the new modern inquisition that limits freedoms and censors all dissidence.

Through newspeak —what is language but the soul of peoples transmitted from generation to generation! We think through it and it guides our behavior—a new change in mentality, another step towards cultural hegemony, a new victory to surrender to this modernity. That revisionism and that political correctness that subjects masters like Tolkien or Lovecraft, to comics like Tintin, Conan, the classics and popular tales and a very long etcetera...

Allow us the outburst and exaggeration, but we believe they will end the great works and authors of Literature. The rich language provided by the geniuses —such as Quevedo, Lope, Calderón or Cervantes— of our Golden Age, full of beauty and greatness, as well as comedy, satire and scathing baroque insults, will soon be persecuted and we will have to apologize because these soldier poets, eager for a spirit of adventure and militia, were born in our bull's skin. The century of arms and letters will be cancelled, its virtues and its universal themes of truth, honor, love, spirit, courage, heroism, chivalry or country will be reduced to ashes in this "reversal" of the politically correct.

Price €25.99

Legio IX Hispana - Black T-Shirt

Once the Cantabrian wars were over, the conquest of the Empire in Iberia came to an end. Some 200 years of colonization and Romanization, a process of assimilation of the Roman way of life and its culture, in which the barbarian pre-Roman peoples fought and heroically resisted.

The adhesion and seduction of the barbarian peoples —Celtic Hispania— to Rome was a natural process. The society of leaderships - of merit, of lineage, of heroic ethics - of the Indo-European world - aristocratic, hierarchical and warrior -, that backbones the Iberian barbarians, find in Rome and its metaphysical ideal of Imperium - with the cult, oath and loyalty to the emperor, who along with heroes and kings are pontifex, bridges between heaven and earth — a continuation of his spiritual and warlike worldview, but on a much higher political scale.

Roman Hispania would comprise from the Roman landing in Ampurias between 218 BC. and the beginning of the V century with the Visigothic entry. It was fundamental for the Empire and the cradle of great rulers.

The Romans called the Iberian Peninsula Hispania. Etymologically there are many theories, from meaning it as the land of rabbits, or I-span-ya to the northern land (of Africa), where the Phoenicians lived. Or land where metals are forged, or even called Hispalis, a word of Iberian origin that would mean the western city. Although for the Greeks it would initially be the Ophioússa Peninsula, land of snakes.

Ispania the Romans listened to the Carthaginians and Iber what the Greeks heard. These finally named it Iberia. The Romans stayed with Hispania.

Price €25.99

Warriors of Conquest - Black T-shirt

October 12, Hispanic Day. They have asked us to launch something commemorative for the date and we have been thinking about how to approach the Conquest without being dragged by the Black Legend or by chauvinism or irrational nationalism, an exclusive jingoism in many cases. Nor did we want to go into details and nuances about the differences between civilizing empires versus predatory empires, or disquisitions about rights, cruelties and benefits.

This memory is perhaps more metaphysical and spiritual, an approach oriented to the epic, the deed, the courage, the patriotism and the identity of the peoples. Influence the epic of some brave men whose gods were born in Extremadura and who, dressed in swords, breastplate and morion, jumped into the sea seeking glory and fortune for their Empire, and who faced other mythical and honorable giants, strong and powerful warriors protected by their gods of War and the Sun, who worshiped the rain and the stars in their imposing temples and who fought fiercely while beating their drums carved in ahuehuete wood - Huehuetl is thought to have a mystical and ancestral sense , because its sound is related to the heart of the earth.

Thinking about the dimensions of that historic journey and that encounter, remembering those men on both sides of the pond is what we have intended with this design, a look at that world in which life hung by a thread, and in that being, courage, honor and spirit had a value that today we can hardly imagine.

Price €25.99

Celtiberian Pagan Metal IV - Black T-Shirt

Our tribute to all those bands that in the mid and late 90s created an autochthonous genre, "Celtiberian Black Metal". Distancing themselves from Viking metal, those groups permeated the national scene with their own identity based on the beliefs of the native peoples of ancient Iberia, their lyrics bring us closer to Celtiberian mythology, legends, heroes, gods, epics, nature, customs, rites, Iberian landscapes and the paganism of our pre-Roman culture.

Influenced by Norwegian and Polish black bands, the "barbarians" Nazgul was born in Madrid back in 1995 by the hand of its founder Defernos and the guitarist Thorgul, an emblematic reference band that defined the concept and was one of the germs of the later bands of "Celtiberian Pagan Metal".

In parallel, the Cantabrian Erun Dagoth creates a melodic and epic Death / Black musical project with Celtic Folk elements called CrystalMoors, whose themes breathe history - the Cantabrian wars for example -, mythology and nature of Cantabria - over time and outside the ranks of Crystalmoors, Erun creates a very interesting solo project called Briargh, straddling epic fantasy, paganism and Celticism. In 2018 they joined forces with the Hordak band - we who do not come from the BM, but from the power of Manowar, Running Wild, Blind Guardian or Helloween, we have discovered them with "Father" and they have conquered us! - to create the split "Árguma / Ophiusa ". Within this cultural paganism they have shared stages with bands of neofolk and dark folk roots, whose compositions sink in ancestral folklore and the magical beliefs of the Iberian peoples, such as Keltika Hispanna whose Black / Death influences are appreciated for example in their album "Terror Romanorvm ".

In this CBM tour we have come across hundreds of bands that have dealt with pre-Christian Iberian autochthonous cultures such as Aiumeen Basoa (1994), Numen (1997), Lux Divina (1998), Berserk (1998), Nakkiga (1999), Cyhiriaeth (2000), Omendark (2001), Carcharoth (2002) or Forestdome (2002).

Therefore, this small design is used almost in crude, to remember this genre and those bands that have raised and carried the flame of the spirit of the pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.

Price €25.99

Celtiberian Pagan Metal III - Black T-Shirt

Our tribute to all those bands that in the mid and late 90s created an autochthonous genre, "Celtiberian Black Metal". Distancing themselves from Viking metal, those groups permeated the national scene with their own identity based on the beliefs of the native peoples of ancient Iberia, their lyrics bring us closer to Celtiberian mythology, legends, heroes, gods, epics, nature, customs, rites, Iberian landscapes and the paganism of our pre-Roman culture.

Influenced by Norwegian and Polish black bands, the "barbarians" Nazgul was born in Madrid back in 1995 by the hand of its founder Defernos and the guitarist Thorgul, an emblematic reference band that defined the concept and was one of the germs of the later bands of "Celtiberian Pagan Metal".

In parallel, the Cantabrian Erun Dagoth creates a melodic and epic Death / Black musical project with Celtic Folk elements called CrystalMoors, whose themes breathe history - the Cantabrian wars for example -, mythology and nature of Cantabria - over time and outside the ranks of Crystalmoors, Erun creates a very interesting solo project called Briargh, straddling epic fantasy, paganism and Celticism. In 2018 they joined forces with the Hordak band - we who do not come from the BM, but from the power of Manowar, Running Wild, Blind Guardian or Helloween, we have discovered them with "Father" and they have conquered us! - to create the split "Árguma / Ophiusa ". Within this cultural paganism they have shared stages with bands of neofolk and dark folk roots, whose compositions sink in ancestral folklore and the magical beliefs of the Iberian peoples, such as Keltika Hispanna whose Black / Death influences are appreciated for example in their album "Terror Romanorvm ".

In this CBM tour we have come across hundreds of bands that have dealt with pre-Christian Iberian autochthonous cultures such as Aiumeen Basoa (1994), Numen (1997), Lux Divina (1998), Berserk (1998), Nakkiga (1999), Cyhiriaeth (2000), Omendark (2001), Carcharoth (2002) or Forestdome (2002).

Therefore, this small design is used almost in crude, to remember this genre and those bands that have raised and carried the flame of the spirit of the pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.

Price €25.99

Celtiberian Pagan Metal II - Black T-Shirt

Our tribute to all those bands that in the mid and late 90s created an autochthonous genre, "Celtiberian Black Metal". Distancing themselves from Viking metal, those groups permeated the national scene with their own identity based on the beliefs of the native peoples of ancient Iberia, their lyrics bring us closer to Celtiberian mythology, legends, heroes, gods, epics, nature, customs, rites, Iberian landscapes and the paganism of our pre-Roman culture.

Influenced by Norwegian and Polish black bands, the "barbarians" Nazgul was born in Madrid back in 1995 by the hand of its founder Defernos and the guitarist Thorgul, an emblematic reference band that defined the concept and was one of the germs of the later bands of "Celtiberian Pagan Metal".

In parallel, the Cantabrian Erun Dagoth creates a melodic and epic Death / Black musical project with Celtic Folk elements called CrystalMoors, whose themes breathe history - the Cantabrian wars for example -, mythology and nature of Cantabria - over time and outside the ranks of Crystalmoors, Erun creates a very interesting solo project called Briargh, straddling epic fantasy, paganism and Celticism. In 2018 they joined forces with the Hordak band - we who do not come from the BM, but from the power of Manowar, Running Wild, Blind Guardian or Helloween, we have discovered them with "Father" and they have conquered us! - to create the split "Árguma / Ophiusa ". Within this cultural paganism they have shared stages with bands of neofolk and dark folk roots, whose compositions sink in ancestral folklore and the magical beliefs of the Iberian peoples, such as Keltika Hispanna whose Black / Death influences are appreciated for example in their album "Terror Romanorvm ".

In this CBM tour we have come across hundreds of bands that have dealt with pre-Christian Iberian autochthonous cultures such as Aiumeen Basoa (1994), Numen (1997), Lux Divina (1998), Berserk (1998), Nakkiga (1999), Cyhiriaeth (2000), Omendark (2001), Carcharoth (2002) or Forestdome (2002).

Therefore, this small design is used almost in crude, to remember this genre and those bands that have raised and carried the flame of the spirit of the pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.

Price €25.99

Celtiberian Pagan Metal I - Black T-Shirt

Our tribute to all those bands that in the mid and late 90s created an autochthonous genre, "Celtiberian Black Metal". Distancing themselves from Viking metal, those groups permeated the national scene with their own identity based on the beliefs of the native peoples of ancient Iberia, their lyrics bring us closer to Celtiberian mythology, legends, heroes, gods, epics, nature, customs, rites, Iberian landscapes and the paganism of our pre-Roman culture.

Influenced by Norwegian and Polish black bands, the "barbarians" Nazgul was born in Madrid back in 1995 by the hand of its founder Defernos and the guitarist Thorgul, an emblematic reference band that defined the concept and was one of the germs of the later bands of "Celtiberian Pagan Metal".

In parallel, the Cantabrian Erun Dagoth creates a melodic and epic Death / Black musical project with Celtic Folk elements called CrystalMoors, whose themes breathe history - the Cantabrian wars for example -, mythology and nature of Cantabria - over time and outside the ranks of Crystalmoors, Erun creates a very interesting solo project called Briargh, straddling epic fantasy, paganism and Celticism. In 2018 they joined forces with the Hordak band - we who do not come from the BM, but from the power of Manowar, Running Wild, Blind Guardian or Helloween, we have discovered them with "Father" and they have conquered us! - to create the split "Árguma / Ophiusa ". Within this cultural paganism they have shared stages with bands of neofolk and dark folk roots, whose compositions sink in ancestral folklore and the magical beliefs of the Iberian peoples, such as Keltika Hispanna whose Black / Death influences are appreciated for example in their album "Terror Romanorvm ".

In this CBM tour we have come across hundreds of bands that have dealt with pre-Christian Iberian autochthonous cultures such as Aiumeen Basoa (1994), Numen (1997), Lux Divina (1998), Berserk (1998), Nakkiga (1999), Cyhiriaeth (2000), Omendark (2001), Carcharoth (2002) or Forestdome (2002).

Therefore, this small design is used almost in crude, to remember this genre and those bands that have raised and carried the flame of the spirit of the pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.

Price €25.99

Death Knock Twice - Black T-shirt

Inseparables. Images of the works of George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle in "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" (1900), in the works of Lemery, Winslow, Morand, Petit, Bordelon and Vicq-D'Azir "Bound volume of 15 teratology offprints from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences "(1693-1776) and in the work" Monstruosités "II (1833) on the Siamese Rita and Cristina.

Price €25.99

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