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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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  • Categories: Rebel Style
  • Categories: Sabiduría Perenne

The Bow and the Feather. Interior El Combate - Black T-shirt

In the Bhagavad Gita —the epic and wisdom text of the Hindu tradition— through the Dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his charioteer Krishna —conceived before starting the fratricidal war between the Pvas and the Kauravas in the battle of Kurukshetra—, we are They offer keys to inner combat, to overcome suffering, death, the meaning of life, the correct action, the nature of the Divine… it gives us a way and a method for liberation. From the knowledge and mental discernment to identify our true identity with the being, with the transcendent self and not with the impermanent, to the fulfillment of duty through disinterested action until sacrifice in the fire of God. Our being, our thoughts and our actions actively surrendered to the absolute and supreme so that the Ego is dominated and unconditioned.

“Cut the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Watch your discipline. Get up "

"Free yourself from the anxiety of the things of this world, do not let yourself be governed by the illusions of this perishable world"

"The mind is a faithful friend of man, only when it has been conquered by the spirit"

"No one who does a good job will ever have a bad ending, not here or in the world to come."

Price €25.99

Warriors of Conquest - Black T-shirt

October 12, Hispanic Day. They have asked us to launch something commemorative for the date and we have been thinking about how to approach the Conquest without being dragged by the Black Legend or by chauvinism or irrational nationalism, an exclusive jingoism in many cases. Nor did we want to go into details and nuances about the differences between civilizing empires versus predatory empires, or disquisitions about rights, cruelties and benefits.

This memory is perhaps more metaphysical and spiritual, an approach oriented to the epic, the deed, the courage, the patriotism and the identity of the peoples. Influence the epic of some brave men whose gods were born in Extremadura and who, dressed in swords, breastplate and morion, jumped into the sea seeking glory and fortune for their Empire, and who faced other mythical and honorable giants, strong and powerful warriors protected by their gods of War and the Sun, who worshiped the rain and the stars in their imposing temples and who fought fiercely while beating their drums carved in ahuehuete wood - Huehuetl is thought to have a mystical and ancestral sense , because its sound is related to the heart of the earth.

Thinking about the dimensions of that historic journey and that encounter, remembering those men on both sides of the pond is what we have intended with this design, a look at that world in which life hung by a thread, and in that being, courage, honor and spirit had a value that today we can hardly imagine.

Price €25.99

The path of the left hand - Black T-Shirt

It is a search and an encounter, when all the paths lead us to self-flagellation, to tricks and patches that have little or nothing to do with the true meaning of life, when accelerated technique envelops us and misleads us, camouflages the way, when the ruins of the past are those ruins that inspire but do not resurrect, then it seems that nothing remains, but the sterile contemplation of decadent nihilism or the addition / addiction to the "heroine" of modernity. Here then is a path to travel the world, our world, an awakening of self-knowledge, the path of the left hand for the kali yuga, an opportunity to conquer oneself, to taste the poison and turn it into an elixir, to be a test and an example. in front of our friends and enemies, to muddy us, to make mistakes and to rectify if necessary. Make the Dark Ages our stage and theater of life, our forger of character, our spiritual nourishment — along with the sources of perennial wisdom — to overcome, conquer and liberate ourselves.

Price €25.99

Ego te absorbe - Black T-Shirt

Fateful times we have had to live, a great darkness hangs over the spirit. In the midnight of the world the fight against the dragon is waiting for you. Arm yourself with strength and wisdom for the inner conquest, remember that the ego absorbs you, its tyranny controls you, do not back down, it is your heroic moment, the most vital and important in your life ...

[Sophia Perennis Collection]

Price €25.99

Death Knock Twice - Black T-shirt

Inseparables. Images of the works of George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle in "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" (1900), in the works of Lemery, Winslow, Morand, Petit, Bordelon and Vicq-D'Azir "Bound volume of 15 teratology offprints from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences "(1693-1776) and in the work" Monstruosités "II (1833) on the Siamese Rita and Cristina.

Price €25.99

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