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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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The Cult of the Sun. Solstice - Black T-Shirt

The magic night is yet to come. Our star king has reached its zenith to flood us with light, love, heat & energy.

Jump into the flames, let go of your fears, burn your ballasts and immerse yourself in the pure waters bathed in the full moon of June.

Remember Sirius, bright light from heaven that illuminates the Nile.

Celebrate the god Juno and the goddess Jupiter who celebrate their heavenly love in Ancient Rome.

Praise the goddess Lithia of the Wiccas who in love hopes to be fertilized.

Beware of the mystical, charming, and mischievous Celtic creatures that go out to tangle with humans.

Dance with the druid drums to the rhythm of dawn, at its peak the sun filters, flooding the ancient stones of the StoneHenge with magical light.

& adore forever the oracle of the spirit of nature !!

Price €25.99

Cult Member - Black Sleeveless T-Shirt

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even dead may die" 

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €29.99

Ancestral Goths - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

Adventurers, warriors, survivors, barbarians, nomads and plunderers, the epic Goths crossed half the world, living mythical episodes. Related with the Nordic universe, they worshiped the kingdom of Asgard, their eagles and crows that whispered to Odin the thought and memory of the mortals, guide them from the legendary corners of Scandinavia, crossing the Balkans towards the West. They saw the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Muslim, and built a new powerful hispanic state where they coexisted with the three cultures.

Price €29.99

Cult Member - Black T-Shirt

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even dead may die" 

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €25.99

The Tenth Plague - Black T-Shirt

Many the biased lives, many the desolate lands and many their names under which the deadly and deadly lady with the scythe is camouflaged. Whether they are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, the black plagues or the fearsome pandemics that devastated humanity. It all starts with the dire omens that announce his coming, the sinister squawk of the crows and the dark songs of the owl, then the sepulchral darkness plunges us into a deep sleep from which we will not awaken. The Exodus tells us of the arrival of 10 plagues (מכות מצרים) that fell on Egypt, in the form of blood first staining its rivers; invaded by frogs, lice, flies and lobsters; like pests and diseases on humans and livestock, until plunging into blackness with the death of the firstborn. Will we be saved from the abyss?

Price €25.99

The Lineage of the Free I - Black T-Shirt

"Only dead fish follow the stream of the river".

Swimming against the current is an odyssey in an open world where paradoxically there is more access to information but at the same time we are more controlled. Reflections of those dystopian universes — riddled with environmental disasters and cataclysms — from science fiction novels have come true. But there is still hope. There are spaces of freedom to ambush, where dissidents and freethinkers can react and rebel against the flashes of tyranny, censorship and dehumanization present in society. In some remote and lost place the Lineage of the free will always resist.

Price €25.99

The Guardians of the Stars - Black T-Shirt

In the Pacific's night, eyes look at the sky, it is the eternal gaze of the moais, ceremonial statues that represent deceased ancestors that project their supernatural power (mana) on their descendants. These ancient sculptures observe the universe from the navel of the world on the remote Easter Island, Rapa Nui, the home of the Polynesians, the expert archeoastronomy sailors who ventured into the ocean guided by the stars, the constellations of the southern hemisphere, the Pleiades - which the elders call killiki (small eyes) - and the Orion Belt (tautoru - the three beautiful ones).

Price €25.99

Rise above & Beyond - Black T-Shirt

Life is an adventure and we must not let it escape, do not you want to discover everything that this world offers you? Do not wait for the deathbed to look back and regret what you have not done all this time. Now is your opportunity, it is your moment, throw yourself on the horizon, take flight and cross borders, navigate to the beyond with the decision and courage of an eagle. Fortune favors the andes and daring, rest assured that the gods will reward you.

Price €25.99

The Queen from Beyond II - Black T-shirt

Isis, queen of all gods, the great mother who gave birth to Horus (father of Egyptian civilization), the queen of the beyond, goddess of the stars, the lunar goddess, the great magician who managed to resurrect her husband and brother the god Osiris. Many are the names by which it is known, Christians came to equate with Mary, mother of Jesus. In any case, the immortal Isis was the most important in the pantheon of Ancient Egypt and spread its wings throughout Europe, spreading fervently through Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

Price €25.99

The Queen from Beyond - Black T-shirt

Isis, queen of all gods, the great mother who gave birth to Horus (father of Egyptian civilization), the queen of the beyond, goddess of the stars, the lunar goddess, the great magician who managed to resurrect her husband and brother the god Osiris. Many are the names by which it is known, Christians came to equate with Mary, mother of Jesus. In any case, the immortal Isis was the most important in the pantheon of Ancient Egypt and spread its wings throughout Europe, spreading fervently through Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire.

Price €25.99

We wear Culture - White T-Shirt

Let yourself be seduced by the magical world of Greek mythology. An odyssey awaits you in the land of ancient Greek gods and goddesses, heroines and heroes, secret sites, Homeric poems ...  if you see on the horizon a huge wooden horse, do not be fooled, it is the Achaeans, who they hide inside to enter through the majestic gate of the fortified city of Troy, it could be the end ....the Greeks do not forget that Paris fell madly in love with Helena of Sparta and kidnapped her. There it all began, the war against the Trojans, the heroes of Antiquity, Achilles, Áyax, Héctor ... the epics stories of the Iliad...

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Leopard - White T-Shirt

The Jaguar, symbol of darkness and light, spiritual strength and fertility, courage and power. Considered by ancient civilizations as the most feared and sacred animal. In Aztec mythology he is the god of the night sky, Tezcatlipoc. The Mayan beliefs relate the existence of the Sun God, capable of transforming itself into a jaguar of mottled skin covered with stars able to enter the world of the dead, defeat the lords of Xibalba and to dominate day and night. They are also mentioned in the Popol Vuh as dangerous inhabitants capable of moving between the dead and the living. A Total Eclipse will bring back the jaguars of the underworld that will devour all that is known of this land until the end of the world.

Price €25.99

Ancestral Goths II - Black T-Shirt

Adventurers, warriors, survivors, barbarian nomads and plunderers, the epic Goths crossed half the world, living mythical episodes. Related with the Nordic universe, they worshiped the kingdom of Asgard, their eagles and crows that whispered to Odin the thought and memory of the mortals, guide them from the legendary corners of Scandinavia, crossing the Balkans towards the West. They saw the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Muslim, and built a new powerful hispanic state where they coexisted with the three cultures.

Price €25.99

The Children of the Sun II - Black T-Shirt

The greatness of a legendary world where mythical and Ancient Pre-Columbian Civilization is led by the children of the Sun, in whose fertile lands emerges an agricultural wealth that feeds their lives, their traditions, their culture. Fierce tribes and fearsome clashing clans that formed powerful empires. Guided by the stars mixed with nature dazzle the world with an advanced civilization capable of building great temples and pyramids, whose legacy in addition to the literary and its precise calendars, offers us a mysterious and mystical world, full of legends, deities, rites, Human ceremonies and sacrifices offered to the gods.

Price €25.99

Macabre Dance II - Black T-Shirt

The irreverent and revolutionary Old skull, the spirit of fun. Skulls were used in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest, dates 500 years ago. Also had been used in different plays like the ”Dance of Death” in the 14th century. People needed satire to help deal with the grim world (plagues and diseases) around them. But the symbol emerged in Mexico as a means of expression especially used with roguish and ironic tones against the nobles and powerful of the viceroy times. It is also used during the celebration of the day of the death.

Price €25.99

A World full of Gods - Black T-Shirt

Old rites, the religion of the peasants, the "men without God", with the arrival of the stone and bronze age, the cult to Vanir, the goddess mother of the shamanic, cults to the fertility, to the gods of the hunt, the adoration to the sun, megalithic monuments are raised, with the Celts the cults are fused, the adoration of divinized heroes with the Nordic civilizations...., ancient gods, magical deities, elves, goblins, nymphs, fairies ... and Rome arrives with post-Greek epic gods and the decline of the empire, Christianity imposes itself, "the revealed truth" adopts ancient beliefs in their dogmas, displaced ancient pagan rites and replaced, the christianized "barbarians", a cult for the damned of the Earth... What about the resurgence of the "sacred breath"? That world full of gods?

Price €25.99

Eagles Fly Free II - Black T-Shirt

The eagle was a symbol present in the iconography and heraldry of several Civilizations. Sacred by the vast majority of Cultures such as the Aztec, Roman, Egyptian, Hittite, Sumerian, Indo-European... represents majesty, strength, character, courage, spirituality, power and wisdom. Used in Europe since the late Middle Ages, it became an attribute for gods, warriors, kings and emperors.

The double-headed eagle observes from the top of the Tree of life and from the Cosmic Mountain the land of its ancestors, presiding omnipotent with its physical and spiritual duality, able to look at the sun and follow its course through the sky until descending to Delos, the sacred island of antiquity where the god Apollo was born.

Price €25.99

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