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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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The Phoenician Adventure - Black Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Those lively merchants from Syria who, guided by the stars and their magnificent boats, sailed the Mediterranean around 1000 BC until they reached the south of the Iberian Peninsula. They exchanged their products ... spices, oil and wine with the indigenous peoples in exchange for silver, among their most famous settlements is Gadir (current Cádiz) and one of their greatest legacy the alphabet

Price €38.99

Comuneros - Black T-Shirt

The Kingdom of Castile was a prosperous, frontier and politically advanced society, organized on the basis of its peculiar institutions (Cortes, Councils, Communities, Behetrías) that erupted in a deep malaise of the Castilians before Carlos de Gante's self-proclamation as King of Castile. The postponement of the economic and political interests of Castile together with Flemish greed caused the first modern revolution - the so-called War of the Communities of Castile that lasted from 1520 to 1522. An armed uprising led by the Castilian cities with attorneys in the Cortes, supported by the peasantry and the lower nobility. The community members in Villalar were disarmed with the execution of Padilla, Maldonado and Bravo, the constitutional reform project of the Communities of Castile to reorganize the country was frustrated, now forming part of the Imperial project of the emperor.

Price €25.99

Knights of Steel : Landsknecht - Black T-Shirt

Ostentatious, fearless, brave and courageous warriors, so fearful that even the very devil closed the gates of hell because he was afraid of them... These knights of steel or servants of the land were the warrior elites of the Renaissance, recognizable by their striking features, colorful and extravagant clothing (until then reserved for the clergy and nobility, as they were exempted from the rules of the state and the sanctuary laws) their actions were recorded in legendary battles such as Pavia, San Quintín, the siege of Vienna, or the sack of Rome.

In a period, at the end of the 15th century, in which feudalism was dying —with it the caste system that determined by birth the roles in life— and the art of war was changing, the peasants, craftsmen or servants had the possibility to become by their own merits pikemen, arquebusiers or swordsmen within the new mercenary armies of the emperor. Without a noble title, lineage and ancestry, the Lansquenets were able to become highly paid land soldiers thanks to their impeccable combat technique, their high risk in the battlefield that made their lives "so short and brutal" (Maximilian I).

Price €25.99

Indians Go Beard - Black T-Shirt

If you are a warrior and you don't have a beard, have it looked at... Let's take a look at history: Leonidas looked impressive with his 300 men…but his bushy beard was equally scary, Ciro and Jerges combed their incredible long beards, while Attila the Hun, whore a very thin but fine beard, in the Ancient Mesopotamia they even wore ringlets on theirs beards!! Let's remember the white beards of the Samurai masters, and the presumptuous Vikings who placed their razor blades in their tombs, what about the gods of Ancient Greece, Zeus or Poseidon...? and then came Alexander the Great and he screwed up by forbidding his soldiers to wear them because in battle their enemies caught them by making them fall off their horses. Neither did the Romans, because they gave them to the gods in their ritual (depositio barbae) of their passage from childhood to adulthood, or the native Indians who shaved like maniacs, and what about the pharaohs who manscaped their balls but wore false beards?? Well, in spite of these and other exceptions, the beard has its own twist and turns and brings out the warrior that exist in each of everyone of us.

Price €25.99

Tercios Go Beard - Black T-Shirt

If you are a warrior and you don't have a beard, have it looked at... Let's take a look at history: Leonidas looked impressive with his 300 men…but his bushy beard was equally scary, Ciro and Jerges combed their incredible long beards, while Attila the Hun, whore a very thin but fine beard, in the Ancient Mesopotamia they even wore ringlets on theirs beards!! Let's remember the white beards of the Samurai masters, and the presumptuous Vikings who placed their razor blades in their tombs, what about the gods of Ancient Greece, Zeus or Poseidon...? and then came Alexander the Great and he screwed up by forbidding his soldiers to wear them because in battle their enemies caught them by making them fall off their horses. Neither did the Romans, because they gave them to the gods in their ritual (depositio barbae) of their passage from childhood to adulthood, or the native Indians who shaved like maniacs, and what about the pharaohs who manscaped their balls but wore false beards?? Well, in spite of these and other exceptions, the beard has its own twist and turns and brings out the warrior that exist in each of everyone of us.

Price €25.99

Samurais Go Beard - Black T-Shirt

If you are a warrior and you don't have a beard, have it looked at... Let's take a look at history: Leonidas looked impressive with his 300 men…but his bushy beard was equally scary, Ciro and Jerges combed their incredible long beards, while Attila the Hun, whore a very thin but fine beard, in the Ancient Mesopotamia they even wore ringlets on theirs beards!! Let's remember the white beards of the Samurai masters, and the presumptuous Vikings who placed their razor blades in their tombs, what about the gods of Ancient Greece, Zeus or Poseidon...? and then came Alexander the Great and he screwed up by forbidding his soldiers to wear them because in battle their enemies caught them by making them fall off their horses. Neither did the Romans, because they gave them to the gods in their ritual (depositio barbae) of their passage from childhood to adulthood, or the native Indians who shaved like maniacs, and what about the pharaohs who manscaped their balls but wore false beards?? Well, in spite of these and other exceptions, the beard has its own twist and turns and brings out the warrior that exist in each of everyone of us.

Price €25.99

Vikings Go Beard - Black T-Shirt

If you are a warrior and you don't have a beard, have it looked at... Let's take a look at history: Leonidas looked impressive with his 300 men…but his bushy beard was equally scary, Ciro and Jerges combed their incredible long beards, while Attila the Hun, whore a very thin but fine beard, in the Ancient Mesopotamia they even wore ringlets on theirs beards!! Let's remember the white beards of the Samurai masters, and the presumptuous Vikings who placed their razor blades in their tombs, what about the gods of Ancient Greece, Zeus or Poseidon...? and then came Alexander the Great and he screwed up by forbidding his soldiers to wear them because in battle their enemies caught them by making them fall off their horses. Neither did the Romans, because they gave them to the gods in their ritual (depositio barbae) of their passage from childhood to adulthood, or the native Indians who shaved like maniacs, and what about the pharaohs who manscaped their balls but wore false beards?? Well, in spite of these and other exceptions, the beard has its own twist and turns and brings out the warrior that exist in each of everyone of us.

Price €25.99

The Phoenician Adventure - Black T-Shirt

Those lively merchants from Syria who, guided by the stars and their magnificent boats, sailed the Mediterranean around 1000 BC until they reached the south of the Iberian Peninsula. They exchanged their products ... spices, oil and wine with the indigenous peoples in exchange for silver, among their most famous settlements is Gadir (current Cádiz) and one of their greatest legacy the alphabet

Price €25.99

Untamed Iberians - Black T-Shirt

The first warriors of the Iberian Peninsula were fierce and faithful Iberians who defended with their death their warlords. They were expert riders who carried bows, arrows and the feared Falcata that they used until the end of the battle. Just like the men, the women, in addition to devoting themselves to cattle and cultivation, also participated in the warrior life and in the Assembly where the important decisions of the tribal states were taken. Dedicated to the cult of female deities (symbol of creation & fertility), they also offered rites to the Sun and the Moon. In their temples, adorned with sculptures of sacred wolves —representing the warrior ardour, the cult of the night, the guide in the beyond— magical ceremonies were celebrated by priestesses such as the famous Lady of Elche.

Price €25.99

LionHeart - Black T-Shirt

Are you scared? Face your dangers! The courage lies within you. Even if you are afraid, look fear in the face. Give yourself up, be genuine and brave, fight for what you love even if you take risks and sometimes you are misunderstood and do not please everyone. Let nothing frighten you and prevent you from facing your dream. Always play the game, you have a Lionheart.

Courage to face your fears and injustices, like that epic and adventurous medieval knight, descendant of the legendary King Arthur and friend of Robin Hood, the brave monarch Richard I who legend says faced abuse for justice and for his people in times of conspiracies, betrayals, ambitions and expediencies. God knows! In any case, courage!

Price €25.99

Horns Out Please- Black T-Shirt

Horns? Who needs those horns if not to drink beer, mead or whatever you want. If you want to imitate daring Vikings, please stop embellishing and sharpen your axe because your helmet does not have horns. Today this is already evident, but when German Romanticism - well, more precisely, in the illustrated re-edition of the "Saga of Frithiof" - and in Wagner's "Twilight of the Gods") and, later, Vicky the Viking was given to put two antlers on the helmet, we all ate it with potatoes. The damn truth is that in the tombs found there were some horns positioned near their hooves so that they could drink their favourite concoctions on their way to their bloody feast in Valhalla, hence the legendary confusion. Yes, the giants of the North wore helmets, shields, axes and swords, were butchered and worshipped gods such as Thor, Tyr, Freja and Odin, and none of them wore any kind of bony, pointed projection on their heads.

Price €25.99

Viking Anatomy - Black T-Shirt

Not everyone who wanders is lost... It could symbolize a compass or the Vegvísir of the giants of the North, but the truth is that it is the adaptation of Da Vinci's Vitruvian man to bring us closer to the Viking anatomy. Clichés aside, were they muscular, tall, blond and blue-eyed, tattooed, with a beard and a big hair that you shit on? Well, yes, with nuances. As for the Scandinavian touch, it must be said that there was also ethnic diversity due to the migrations and abductions around Europe, their strength was that of the multi-faceted farmers who so soon fought, fished or farmed. They were fearful because of their height, the axes, the looting and those "little details" that we have been told about. It must be said that they were no more terrifying and violent than other people or civilizations of the time.

Price €25.99

Heracles! Yes we can!! - Black T-Shirt

There, at the end of the known land, there is nothing but darkness and fearsome demonic creatures… The Delphic oracle tells that the hero of Greek mythology Heracles (Hercules in Roman) to purify his crimes and compensate before the gods should perform 12 tasks requested by King Eurystheus himself in extremely remote places. His last job took him to the ends of the most distant lands never trod by man. There he fought and killed a 2-headed monster, and placed to signal that he had been at the end of the world two imposing columns (which separated the mountain range from the old and the new world), along with the inscription Non Terrae Plus Ultra, the last frontier of sailors, where not even the most daring sailor should dare to cross...

Price €25.99

Rise above & Beyond - Black T-Shirt - Double Print

Life is an adventure and we must not let it escape, do not you want to discover everything that this world offers you? Do not wait for the deathbed to look back and regret what you have not done all this time. Now is your opportunity, it is your moment, throw yourself on the horizon, take flight and cross borders, navigate to the beyond with the decision and courage of an eagle. Fortune favors the andes and daring, rest assured that the gods will reward you.

Price €30.99

Four Riders of the Apocalypse - Back&Front Print - Black T-Shirt

We are the horsemen who ride with beasts of pipes and steel based on black fuel, in this hostile land, the roads are nightmares, the cities are deserts and humanity feeds on men... the leaders cannot stop this avalanche, the storm from fear…

Driven by this confusion full of frustrated dreams, we unscrupulously take revenge on the burdens, we will annihilate with our sword, with hunger, with death and with the beasts...

The great earthquake dyes the sun black and the blood moon, the stars fall from the sky...

The great day has come... in the midst of this chaos hope will resurface...

Price €30.99

Four Riders of the Apocalypse - Black T-Shirt

We are the horsemen who ride with beasts of pipes and steel based on black fuel, in this hostile land, the roads are nightmares, the cities are deserts and humanity feeds on men... the leaders cannot stop this avalanche, the storm from fear…

Driven by this confusion full of frustrated dreams, we unscrupulously take revenge on the burdens, we will annihilate with our sword, with hunger, with death and with the beasts...

The great earthquake dyes the sun black and the blood moon, the stars fall from the sky...

The great day has come... in the midst of this chaos hope will resurface...

Price €25.99

The Wild Hunt. You're Next - Black T-Shirt

La Estantigua (in Castilian tradition), Güestia or Bona Xente (in Asturian mythology), Corteju de Genti de Muerti (in Extremadura), Estadea (in Zamora), Hueste de Ánimas (in León), Vision, La Huespeda… different names to refer to the Santa Compaña, that group of wandering hooded ghosts, a dark army of souls in pain that wandered in the gloomy night through the towns, forests and crossroads as an omen of death. To know its origin, we must go back to Germanic paganism (Wild Hunt — whose evolution under the medieval Christian veil would give the gloomy spectral procession Mesnie Hellequin—) and Celtic (the Sluagh or the Fairy Host) related to omens of wars, plagues, diseases future and acts of gathering souls.

Price €25.99

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