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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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  • Categories: The crazy history of the world

The Cult of the Sun. Solstice - Black T-Shirt

The magic night is yet to come. Our star king has reached its zenith to flood us with light, love, heat & energy.

Jump into the flames, let go of your fears, burn your ballasts and immerse yourself in the pure waters bathed in the full moon of June.

Remember Sirius, bright light from heaven that illuminates the Nile.

Celebrate the god Juno and the goddess Jupiter who celebrate their heavenly love in Ancient Rome.

Praise the goddess Lithia of the Wiccas who in love hopes to be fertilized.

Beware of the mystical, charming, and mischievous Celtic creatures that go out to tangle with humans.

Dance with the druid drums to the rhythm of dawn, at its peak the sun filters, flooding the ancient stones of the StoneHenge with magical light.

& adore forever the oracle of the spirit of nature !!

Price €25.99

The Tenth Plague - Black T-Shirt

Many the biased lives, many the desolate lands and many their names under which the deadly and deadly lady with the scythe is camouflaged. Whether they are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, the black plagues or the fearsome pandemics that devastated humanity. It all starts with the dire omens that announce his coming, the sinister squawk of the crows and the dark songs of the owl, then the sepulchral darkness plunges us into a deep sleep from which we will not awaken. The Exodus tells us of the arrival of 10 plagues (מכות מצרים) that fell on Egypt, in the form of blood first staining its rivers; invaded by frogs, lice, flies and lobsters; like pests and diseases on humans and livestock, until plunging into blackness with the death of the firstborn. Will we be saved from the abyss?

Price €25.99

Bloody Holydays. Crusader's Fest - Black T-Shirt

Travel to the Holy places at the best prices!! Take advantage of this incredible offer only valid until the end of the Crusade. Recommended for Bloodthirsty Knights. And as a gift, the indispensable sacred Survival Kit: Oakeshott sword type S.XII suitable for cutting and stabbing, a replica of the Holy Grail to sanctify your soul, a great Helm made of high quality, strong and resistant black leather, plaster and 100 rolls of toilet paper. And also guided tours of the most emblematic castles and fortresses. For a more sustainable tourism. Do not miss this opportunity, your dream Holyolidays. Cheer up, God will reward you!!!

Price €25.99

Meatlove. Viking Fest - Black T-Shirt

The Great Gastronomic Festival of the Northern Lands is already announced. Menu of the day: Butcher shop, farmhouse, spines, needles, blood sausages, neck, gizzards, feet, trotters, brains, snout, guts, broths, eyes, ears, livers, kidneys, tongues ... succulent and popular Nordic dishes to consume during the summer solstice. Sharpen your ax and come to enjoy this awaited Viking event. Gobble and devour these delicacies with the authentic house beer. What a sausage Fest!!! A Delicatessen!!! Skol!!!

Price €25.99

The Guardians of the Stars - Black T-Shirt

In the Pacific's night, eyes look at the sky, it is the eternal gaze of the moais, ceremonial statues that represent deceased ancestors that project their supernatural power (mana) on their descendants. These ancient sculptures observe the universe from the navel of the world on the remote Easter Island, Rapa Nui, the home of the Polynesians, the expert archeoastronomy sailors who ventured into the ocean guided by the stars, the constellations of the southern hemisphere, the Pleiades - which the elders call killiki (small eyes) - and the Orion Belt (tautoru - the three beautiful ones).

Price €25.99

Extinction. The End of the Lost World - Black T-Shirt

250 million years ago the prehistoric marine and terrestrial life that populated Pangea were going to be witnesses to the greatest massacre of all planetary life. At the speed of 75,000 km/h and with a destructive power of 50 million megatons, an extraterrestrial rock would hit the earth to collapse certain species and cause the food chain to collapse. The end of a lost world ruled by ancestral dinosaurs and poisoned volcanic eruptions, would usher in a transition period dominated by cooling and climate change where only a few insects, snakes, crocodiles, lizards, invertebrates, fish and plants had survived the Mass Extinction.

Price €25.99

Nemesis. The seed of Evil. Black T-Shirt

Ancestral memory remind us that the arrogance and pride of humans was punished and inflicted by the gods through Nemesis. In a world where we destroy earth and nature, only rats, insects, corpses, skulls and viruses proliferate. Contaminated species emerge with no control. They are the poisoned roots, the seeds of evil in the form of punishment that the Goddess Nemesis imposes her justice in revenge.

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Leopard - White T-Shirt

The Jaguar, symbol of darkness and light, spiritual strength and fertility, courage and power. Considered by ancient civilizations as the most feared and sacred animal. In Aztec mythology he is the god of the night sky, Tezcatlipoc. The Mayan beliefs relate the existence of the Sun God, capable of transforming itself into a jaguar of mottled skin covered with stars able to enter the world of the dead, defeat the lords of Xibalba and to dominate day and night. They are also mentioned in the Popol Vuh as dangerous inhabitants capable of moving between the dead and the living. A Total Eclipse will bring back the jaguars of the underworld that will devour all that is known of this land until the end of the world.

Price €25.99

Black Panther II - Black T-Shirt

The Black Panther is a symbol of power and fertility, protection for allies, fierce and aggressive with enemies, energy of the night that helps us not to fear in the dark. The shamans position it as the animal that possesses more mysticism and spirituality, despite its dark color they give light to your life freeing you from the ties and helping you to start a new life full of courage and strength.

Price €25.99

Macabre Dance II - Black T-Shirt

The irreverent and revolutionary Old skull, the spirit of fun. Skulls were used in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest, dates 500 years ago. Also had been used in different plays like the ”Dance of Death” in the 14th century. People needed satire to help deal with the grim world (plagues and diseases) around them. But the symbol emerged in Mexico as a means of expression especially used with roguish and ironic tones against the nobles and powerful of the viceroy times. It is also used during the celebration of the day of the death.

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Jaguar - Black T-Shirt

The Jaguar, symbol of darkness and light, spiritual strength and fertility, courage and power. Considered by ancient civilizations as the most feared and sacred animal. In Aztec mythology he is the god of the night sky, Tezcatlipoc. The Mayan beliefs relate the existence of the Sun God, capable of transforming itself into a jaguar of mottled skin covered with stars able to enter the world of the dead, defeat the lords of Xibalba and to dominate day and night. They are also mentioned in the Popol Vuh as dangerous inhabitants capable of moving between the dead and the living. A Total Eclipse will bring back the jaguars of the underworld that will devour all that is known of this land until the end of the world.

Price €25.99

Black Panther - Black T-Shirt

The Black Panther is a symbol of power and fertility, protection for allies, fierce and aggressive with enemies, energy of the night that helps us not to fear in the dark. The shamans position it as the animal that possesses more mysticism and spirituality, despite its dark color they give light to your life freeing you from the ties and helping you to start a new life full of courage and strength.

Price €25.99

The Dance of the Snake - Black T-Shirt

It is not a macabre dance, nor an satanic rite, but a mythological ritual of fertility, it is the dance of the snake, a prayer addressed to the spirits of thunder, lightning and clouds so that with their rain we will be filled with abundance, peace and prosperity. Its solar rotation is a song to life, whose infinite turn symbolizes eternity until the end of time. Cyclical movement that marked the pagan celebrations of the solstice and equinoxes.

Price €25.99

Macabre Dance - Black T-Shirt

The irreverent and revolutionary Old skull, the spirit of fun. Skulls were used in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest, dates 500 years ago. Also had been used in different plays like the ”Dance of Death” in the 14th century. People needed satire to help deal with the grim world (plagues and diseases) around them. But the symbol emerged in Mexico as a means of expression especially used with roguish and ironic tones against the nobles and powerful of the viceroy times. It is also used during the celebration of the day of the death.

Price €25.99

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