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Culters - We wear Culture



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Magical Spain I - Black T-Shirt

When we enter the magical and mysterious Spain in the footsteps of the fairy world, we open not only a window to fantasy and imagination, but also to the most authentic meaning of life, since to look again with the eyes of a child is to return to believe, is to meet again with the spirit, is to be in harmony with Nature and the Earth.

Fairies, gnomes, goblins, trolls, giants, elves, undines, nymphs, mermaids, nereids, elves, sylphs, salamanders, beasts, dragons, basilisks, sorcerers, werewolves, demonic fauna —funny and grotesque—, hidden treasures, hidden kingdoms , magical caves and mountains, enchanted forests, springs of crystalline water, dark marine depths... Beings —such as elementals, spirits or men— and places —of earth, fire, air and water— that bring us closer to ourselves , to nature itself, to the pure etheric spirit, the anima mundi, where everything and everyone (living and dead) are interconnected in a spiritual way.

Tales, legends and myths loaded with folklore and popular traditions, between the real and imaginary, that help us understand and glimpse that there are forces that have been acting in our world for centuries with a higher purpose endowed with meaning.

Price €25.99

Iberian mythical creatures - Black T-Shirt

“Nature is alive and populated with invisible _ intelligent forces and beings. Some humans seek their contact and they want it too, but first we must learn to know them..."

 Jesús Callejo


Rural dragon or deadly winged serpent located in Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, north of León and Palencia. This giant beast with a powerful jaw and forked tongue inhabits mountain caves, cliffs, rocky outcrops and caves. She is a guardian of treasures, the terror of villagers and shepherds, and devourer of maidens.


He is the lord of atmospheric phenomena, of rain, storms, hail... They are ruthless and mischievous beings with bushy beards and aged faces. He wears dark clothes and a wide-brimmed hat, lives in the clouds or travels in them and has fun controlling the weather and causing all kinds of damage to the crops. It is usually accompanied by wolves or ravens and is present in Asturian, Cantabrian, Galician and northern León mythology.


A kind of faun from Asturian mythology, half goat, half man, seems to have its origin in some entity of the Celtic pantheon. He is the lord and guardian of the forest and everything that lives in it, he helps and cares for the lost shepherds by showing them the way back, but at the same time he is a cruel and deadly enemy to anyone who dares to harm the forest. In addition, this genius of nature has an exacerbated and voracious sexual appetite, even kidnapping beautiful women to satisfy his desires.


The xanas or fairies of the waters are spirits of nature in the form of beautiful women and long golden hair. This species of nymphs inhabits caves, fountains and the banks of watercourses. There are enchanted ones or owners of treasures and xanas that steal children. They are collected in Asturian and Leonese mythology.


The one-eyed giant of Cantabrian mythology. The vengeful destroyer of the mountains that terrifies every living thing. His strength is enormous. He personifies hatred, anger and cruelty, he is the embodiment of the wild, the untamed and evil. This terrible ogre lives in the deep and gloomy caves of the most remote places of the mountain.


He is a leprechaun from Leonese, Asturian, Galician and Cantabrian mythologies. It is known as the “gorru colorau” due to its characteristic red beaked cap, it is small in size, and has a playful and mischievous character. They are very mocking and sometimes malevolent. They make objects disappear, change their places and entangle everything they can if they enter your house.

Price €25.99

Wolf warrior - Black T-shirt

The representation of the wolf in Iberian iconography, as a cult totemic animal, with strong roots in pastoral populations, related to myths and religious symbolism, represents ardor, heroism and warrior mysticism. Combat scenes between wolf and man are common, some symbolize death threat, lineage of power, protection in combat ... and the cult of the night, the path or initiation rite, in the passage to the afterlife, lupus as a guide in the afterlife ...

So recurrent in Iberian art, we find it in the sculptural ensembles of "El Pajarillo", in the Elche-Archena style ceramics, in the mints of the Iltirta and Iltiraka mint, in the "Copa del Carnassier", in the "Torso de Guerrero de la Alcudia"... and in the "Pátera de Perotito" where a young man, his hands are raised in a ritual position, is devoured by the wolf, merging with him, in his transit with the beyond ...

Because the wolf is also death, dying to live, dying to resurrect, when we are eaten we will renew our spirit, as a different being that is reborn as a new man. A journey of the initiate to the world of spirits, a descent to the bottom of the caverns, twinned with a wolf guide who will transfer us his great qualities...

Price €25.99

The lost Atlantis (II) - Black T-Shirt

Before the Iberians, Celts, Phoenicians, Greeks and Tartessos, there were the Atlanteans, those inhabitants of the most advanced civilization - their technology, their knowledge, their ships, their cars, their wealth, their mines, their constructions, their culture, their hidden idols, their sacred kingdoms...—which disappeared—perhaps due to an earthquake or a great deluge—completely 11,000 years ago. It was one of those lost continents like Hyperboria, Lemuria and Mu, whose memory remains submerged in oblivion.

Atlantis is the seed of our own civilization, its empire spread over the planet - it is possible that the Greek myths had their Atlantean birth in Iberia. A large commercial port city, where boats enter and leave with their mythical metals. Its origin, wrapped in myth, legend and fantasy, is still one of the great enigmas for archaeologists, who believe it could be found on the coast of Cádiz, near the Pillars of Hercules, at the "end of the world". of which the classics of Antiquity spoke.

Many mysteries and secret keys of this legendary civilization to decipher. Was it the lost city that was under water that Plato was talking about? Did the Atlanteans invade Egypt? Was the Great Sphinx of Giza a vestige of Atlantis? Did the Atlanteans build the pyramids? Did they trade with King Solomon? Did your navigators reach America? Did they annihilate the Lemurian civilization? Was Tartessos perhaps Atlantis?

Price €25.99

The lost Atlantis (I) - Black T-Shirt

Before the Iberians, Celts, Phoenicians, Greeks and Tartessos, there were the Atlanteans, those inhabitants of the most advanced civilization - their technology, their knowledge, their ships, their cars, their wealth, their mines, their constructions, their culture, their hidden idols, their sacred kingdoms...—which disappeared—perhaps due to an earthquake or a great deluge—completely 11,000 years ago. It was one of those lost continents like Hyperboria, Lemuria and Mu, whose memory remains submerged in oblivion.

Atlantis is the seed of our own civilization, its empire spread over the planet - it is possible that the Greek myths had their Atlantean birth in Iberia. A large commercial port city, where boats enter and leave with their mythical metals. Its origin, wrapped in myth, legend and fantasy, is still one of the great enigmas for archaeologists, who believe it could be found on the coast of Cádiz, near the Pillars of Hercules, at the "end of the world". of which the classics of Antiquity spoke.

Many mysteries and secret keys of this legendary civilization to decipher. Was it the lost city that was under water that Plato was talking about? Did the Atlanteans invade Egypt? Was the Great Sphinx of Giza a vestige of Atlantis? Did the Atlanteans build the pyramids? Did they trade with King Solomon? Did your navigators reach America? Did they annihilate the Lemurian civilization? Was Tartessos perhaps Atlantis?

Price €25.99

Saint George and the Dragon - Black T-Shirt

We all know the Golden legend where Saint George must save a princess who is going to be sacrificed as a tribute so that a Dragon allows the people to drink from the fountain. When Saint George kills him, the citizens decide to leave their paganism to embrace Christianity. It is said that this story is a translation of the Greek myth of Perseus and Andromeda, or of Hercules and Hesione, others relate it to the Egyptian god Horus as the horseman who surpassed Evil with his spear. In any case it is clear that early Christianity adapted the new religion to the existing one, to the old beliefs.

In this process of syncretism, Christian mythology presents us with Saint George as the white knight of the Church and the dragon would be the image of Satan, idolatry and paganism. His image was venerated for centuries, in 494 Georgios - that Roman soldier executed in Nicomedia for his faith in the time of Emperor Diocletian - is canonized and venerated ever since. His cult spread, he became patron of knights and soldiers (miles Christi), protector of the crusaders. During the reconquest, Pedro I and later Jaime I of Aragon appeared to him to help in the fight against the Muslims in the battles of Alcoraz and El Puig respectively.

From here we are left with the symbols of the knight of courage and the wisdom of the dragon, discarding that representation as an incarnation of evil, as a relative of the serpent.

Price €25.99

Baby Iberians - White T-Shirt

We are fans of funkos, we adore these little bigheads, they have already become objects of worship. How to resist collecting these adorable POP toys, they are great !! There are them about the Vikings series, the Walking Dead or Stranger Things, or the Star Wars sagas, the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, about Marvel superheroes, DC, Disney classics, about horror movie characters, from series b, from the mythical 80s movies, from those by Tim Burton, those by Tarantino, Alex from a Clockwork Orange, on components of rock and heavy metal bands such as Kiss, Megadeth, ACDC or Metallica, and even on our dear Edgar Allan Poe or Lovecraft. Whatever one imagines there will be a funko ...

However, history lovers who are looking for historical characters related to epic deeds and battles personalized or customized in funko style will find a giant void, and there is no sign that the Company is going to distribute them, that is why we wanted to remove that thorn by recreating these designs through legendary heroes who have marked the Hispanic future. Thus we have brought in this first selection Viriato, El Cid, Hernán Cortés, Captain Contreras, Blas de Lezo and Agustina de Aragón.

Price €27.99

Tartessia, Raiders of the lost kingdom - Black T-Shirt

Tartessia or Tarshish is considered the first civilization in the West ruled by the legendary Argantonio and located, it is believed, to the south of the Iberian Peninsula, on the riverbed of the Guadalquivir. The echo of a wonderful city, rich in agriculture, livestock and precious metals (silver and gold), is collected in texts, chronicles, stories, biblical episodes, myths and legends. It was the scene of Nórax, Gargoris, Habis and also Hercules, who traveled there, to the Garden of the Hesperides to finish his work, killing the mythological king of Tartessian, the three-headed giant Geryon.

Explorers, archaeologists and researchers continue to search, unsuccessfully, for this lost kingdom of Tartessos, leaving those vestiges in the collective imagination of a unique and mysterious city, of a cultured and happy people, perhaps fused with the Phoenician civilization or extinguished by the Carthaginians. Although it is possible that the classical texts and the sages warn us about the cyclical history of the world... when the very Atlantis that Plato tells us, that wise and advanced humanity was annihilated through a great catastrophe, an implacable divine punishment...

Image: Bronze Carriazo (Astarte, marshes & estuaries' goddesses).

Price €25.99

The Wild Hunt. You're Next - Black T-Shirt

La Estantigua (in Castilian tradition), Güestia or Bona Xente (in Asturian mythology), Corteju de Genti de Muerti (in Extremadura), Estadea (in Zamora), Hueste de Ánimas (in León), Vision, La Huespeda… different names to refer to the Santa Compaña, that group of wandering hooded ghosts, a dark army of souls in pain that wandered in the gloomy night through the towns, forests and crossroads as an omen of death. To know its origin, we must go back to Germanic paganism (Wild Hunt — whose evolution under the medieval Christian veil would give the gloomy spectral procession Mesnie Hellequin—) and Celtic (the Sluagh or the Fairy Host) related to omens of wars, plagues, diseases future and acts of gathering souls.

Price €25.99

Cathars. Keepers of the Secret Treasures IV - Black T-Shirt

"Kill them all, God will know His own". If you see pale, thin and barefoot walkers through the towns of Landeloc, do not fear, they are the Cathars, those "perfect" messengers, good men, vegetarians, celibates, gnostics, dedicated to religious life, of primordial wisdom, who neither collect nor benefits are granted. People who reject oaths, who keep the divine secret and that the church, to exterminate any attempt at heresy, has suffocated in its Albigensian crusade. Their mysterious story is a hymn to truth, freedom and love, to the personal search for the knowledge of God for salvation. On March 1, 1244, the last focus of resistance surrenders at the Montsegur Castle, where they say the Holy Grail is housed. 200 Cathars are burned alive.

Design: 80's Helloween "Keeper" style

Price €24.99

Cathars. Keepers of the Secret Treasures III - Black T-Shirt

"Kill them all, God will know His own". If you see pale, thin and barefoot walkers through the towns of Landeloc, do not fear, they are the Cathars, those "perfect" messengers, good men, vegetarians, celibates, gnostics, dedicated to religious life, of primordial wisdom, who neither collect nor benefits are granted. People who reject oaths, who keep the divine secret and that the church, to exterminate any attempt at heresy, has suffocated in its Albigensian crusade. Their mysterious story is a hymn to truth, freedom and love, to the personal search for the knowledge of God for salvation. On March 1, 1244, the last focus of resistance surrenders at the Montsegur Castle, where they say the Holy Grail is housed. 200 Cathars are burned alive.

Design: 80's Helloween "Keeper" style

Price €25.99

Cathars. Keepers of the Secret Treasures - Black T-Shirt

"Kill them all, God will know His own". If you see pale, thin and barefoot walkers through the towns of Landeloc, do not fear, they are the Cathars, those "perfect" messengers, good men, vegetarians, celibates, gnostics, dedicated to religious life, of primordial wisdom, who neither collect nor benefits are granted. People who reject oaths, who keep the divine secret and that the church, to exterminate any attempt at heresy, has suffocated in its Albigensian crusade. Their mysterious story is a hymn to truth, freedom and love, to the personal search for the knowledge of God for salvation. On March 1, 1244, the last focus of resistance surrenders at the Montsegur Castle, where they say the Holy Grail is housed. 200 Cathars are burned alive.

Design: 80's Helloween "Keeper" style

Price €24.99

The Templar Persecution - Black T-Shirt

Among legends of Holy Places and Holy Grails, and stories of terrible massacres and Holy Crusades, appears the almost mythical figure of the Templar warrior, those knights emerged in the SXII to protect and defend pilgrims in Jerusalem. Famed for their courage in combat, their vows of chastity, obedience and poverty, in their territories the "droit de seigneur" was not allowed, they promoted art, architecture, cultural and scientific exchange with their Arab neighbors in the Holy Land. An economic and military power that confronted them with the very king of France, was the beginning of their persecution and death at the stake at the hands of the Inquisition. Accused of blasphemy, heresy and sodomy, a halo of mystery still looms today on one of the most powerful secret societies.

Price €25.99

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