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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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  • Categories: Iberia Sumergida
  • Categories: Mitologia Ibérica
  • Categories: Vestimos Cultura

Cletiberian Helmet II - Black heather Double Print T-shirt

The Celtiberian Warriors proudly wore one of their most important and representative indispensable pieces in their armor: the Helmet; and it is not surprising since it, according to its characteristics, ornamental designs and composition, represented its social status. They were a symbol of the Celtiberian elites.

These helmets, in addition to protecting and adorning, had a magical, supernatural character. They were thrown into the sea as an offering and it is thought that the helmets found in a single site could be a type of Sanctuary dedicated to the God of War.

As for the signs deciphered and translated to "UNS KELTEKIAO" they refer to an inscription that appeared on a ceramic vase from Liria, which they have interpreted as "Celtic Union".

Price €29.99

Cletiberian Helmet - Black heather T-shirt

The Celtiberian Warriors proudly wore one of their most important and representative indispensable pieces in their armor: the Helmet; and it is not surprising since it, according to its characteristics, ornamental designs and composition, represented its social status. They were a symbol of the Celtiberian elites.

These helmets, in addition to protecting and adorning, had a magical, supernatural character. They were thrown into the sea as an offering and it is thought that the helmets found in a single site could be a type of Sanctuary dedicated to the God of War.

Price €25.99

UNS KELTEKIAO - Black heather T-shirt

The image corresponds to a staff found in Numancia, a symbol of distinction, centrality and duality represented by a rider who, on the back of two horses with concentric circles (the sun in its nocturnal journey), carries severed heads.

Horses are very present in Iberia both in grazing and hunting for their strength and endurance, as in offerings to the god of war Cosus to take over their equine virtues or in sacrifices for warriors to take them on their travels. to the underworld.

In the Celtiberian world the initiation rite of cutting off the enemy's heads was practiced because they believed that it was where the soul resided, the vital essence of the person who survived when he died and transmitted his qualities to them, in addition to immortality.

As for the signs deciphered and translated to "UNS KELTEKIAO" they refer to an inscription that appeared on a ceramic vase from Liria, which they have interpreted as "Celtic Union".

Price €29.99

Celtiberic Land II - Black T-Shirt

The fierce resistance against the invader of the pre-Roman peoples comes from afar. In the peninsula, the process concluded with the Cantabrian wars (19 BC), where in a bloody war the Romans fought against the Celtic peoples of the North (the Asturian and Cantabrian tribes). Iberia was the scene of wars of occupation, subjugation, strategic alliances, cultural assimilation, interests and betrayals from Carthage -Sagunto- and subsequent rebellions, in the development of Romanization, such as the ilergetes and Iberians (submitted in 190 BC), the resistance Turdetanas, Celtíberas or Lusitanas with Viriato at the head ...

These Celtic or Proto-Celtic peoples (Galaicos, Cantabrians, Astures, Belos, Titos and Pelendones, Arévacos, Vacceos, Celtíberos, Vettones, Carpetanos, Lusitanos) who, from the end of the Bronze Age and throughout the Iron Age, shared the culture of the Urn Fields - use of iron for weapons and cremation of their dead -, beliefs, gods, cults, magic, forests, devotion to ritual warfare and duels, resisted - fighting and defending in its fortified Castros - until the Roman Empire put an end to the Spanish Celtic or Celtiberia by destroying the last Celtiberian bastion (Numancia).

Price €25.99

Celtiberic Land - Black T-Shirt

The fierce resistance against the invader of the pre-Roman peoples comes from afar. In the peninsula the process concluded with the Cantabrian wars (19 BC), where in a bloody war the Romans fought against the Celtic peoples of the North (the Asturian and Cantabrian tribes). Iberia was the scene of wars of occupation, subjugation, strategic alliances, cultural assimilation, interests and betrayals from Carthage -Sagunto- and subsequent rebellions, in the development of Romanization, such as the ilergetes and Iberians (submitted in 190 BC), the resistance Turdetanas, Celtiberians or Lusitanas with Viriato at the head...

These Celtic or Proto-Celtic peoples (Galaicos, Cantabrians, Astures, Belos, Titos and Pelendones, Arévacos, Vacceos, Celtíberos, Vettones, Carpetanos, Lusitanos) that, from the end of the Bronze Age and throughout the Iron Age, chose the cultural influence of the Urn Fields - use of iron for weapons and incineration of their dead - (especially the northwest quadrant of the peninsula), shared beliefs, gods, cults, magic, forests, devotion to ritual warfare and the duels, and they resisted - fighting and defending themselves in their fortified Forts - until the Roman Empire put an end to the Spanish Celtic or Celtiberia by destroying the last vital stronghold of Celtiberian heroic resistance in 139 BC (Numancia).

Price €25.99

The Phoenician Adventure - Black Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Those lively merchants from Syria who, guided by the stars and their magnificent boats, sailed the Mediterranean around 1000 BC until they reached the south of the Iberian Peninsula. They exchanged their products ... spices, oil and wine with the indigenous peoples in exchange for silver, among their most famous settlements is Gadir (current Cádiz) and one of their greatest legacy the alphabet

Price €38.99

Tamanuitera, The Maorie Sun - Forest Heather T-Shirt

A legend from New Zealand tells the story of Tamanuitera (The Sun in Maori) He rode so fast through the mountain ranges of the sky that man barely had time to perceive it, until one day Maui, the intrepid and ingenious demigod of the sea, braided a lock of his sister’s hair along with green thread to sew it as a net, then he went to the ends of the earth to capture the Sun. Once there, after a tedious fight, Tamanuitera promised to pass through the skies more slowly to give the men time to enjoy and take advantage of its important benefits. Some say that the rays of the Sun are the magic ropes that once tried to catch Tamanuitera.

In Maori culture the Sun represents heat and energy, eternity as a source of light, intelligence, leadership, wealth, greatness, passion, desire, determination in life, power and protection.

Price €29.99

The Phoenician Adventure - Black T-Shirt

Those lively merchants from Syria who, guided by the stars and their magnificent boats, sailed the Mediterranean around 1000 BC until they reached the south of the Iberian Peninsula. They exchanged their products ... spices, oil and wine with the indigenous peoples in exchange for silver, among their most famous settlements is Gadir (current Cádiz) and one of their greatest legacy the alphabet

Price €25.99

Untamed Iberians - Black T-Shirt

The first warriors of the Iberian Peninsula were fierce and faithful Iberians who defended with their death their warlords. They were expert riders who carried bows, arrows and the feared Falcata that they used until the end of the battle. Just like the men, the women, in addition to devoting themselves to cattle and cultivation, also participated in the warrior life and in the Assembly where the important decisions of the tribal states were taken. Dedicated to the cult of female deities (symbol of creation & fertility), they also offered rites to the Sun and the Moon. In their temples, adorned with sculptures of sacred wolves —representing the warrior ardour, the cult of the night, the guide in the beyond— magical ceremonies were celebrated by priestesses such as the famous Lady of Elche.

Price €25.99

Warriors of the Universe (tercio) - White T-Shirt

Disciplined centurions, medieval knights, furious Spartans, lethal Vikings, honorable samurai, untamed Celts, courageous Thirds, legendary native Indians, fearsome Aztecs... Warriors of the world who have changed history. Idealists and mercenaries faced almost always in cruel and unjust wars. Acts of heroism, bravery and honour are sullied by the most despicable and ruthless actions... The warrior by his activity of Justice, Fortitude and Temperance, has to avoid the effects of the wars, not to invent, to promote, to foment and to live of them.

Price €25.99

Heracles! Yes we can!! - Black T-Shirt

There, at the end of the known land, there is nothing but darkness and fearsome demonic creatures… The Delphic oracle tells that the hero of Greek mythology Heracles (Hercules in Roman) to purify his crimes and compensate before the gods should perform 12 tasks requested by King Eurystheus himself in extremely remote places. His last job took him to the ends of the most distant lands never trod by man. There he fought and killed a 2-headed monster, and placed to signal that he had been at the end of the world two imposing columns (which separated the mountain range from the old and the new world), along with the inscription Non Terrae Plus Ultra, the last frontier of sailors, where not even the most daring sailor should dare to cross...

Price €25.99

Heracles! Yes we can!! - White T-Shirt

There, at the end of the known land, there is nothing but darkness and fearsome demonic creatures… The Delphic oracle tells that the hero of Greek mythology Heracles (Hercules in Roman) to purify his crimes and compensate before the gods should perform 12 tasks requested by King Eurystheus himself in extremely remote places. His last job took him to the ends of the most distant lands never trod by man. There he fought and killed a 2-headed monster, and placed to signal that he had been at the end of the world two imposing columns (which separated the mountain range from the old and the new world), along with the inscription Non Terrae Plus Ultra, the last frontier of sailors, where not even the most daring sailor should dare to cross...

Price €25.99

Ancestral Goths - White T-Shirt

Adventurers, warriors, survivors, barbarians, nomads and plunderers, the epic Goths crossed half the world, living mythical episodes. Related with the Nordic universe, they worshiped the kingdom of Asgard, their eagles and crows that whispered to Odin the thought and memory of the mortals, guide them from the legendary corners of Scandinavia, crossing the Balkans towards the West. They saw the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Muslim, and built a new powerful hispanic state where they coexisted with the three cultures.

Price €25.99

The Guardians of the Stars - Black T-Shirt

In the Pacific's night, eyes look at the sky, it is the eternal gaze of the moais, ceremonial statues that represent deceased ancestors that project their supernatural power (mana) on their descendants. These ancient sculptures observe the universe from the navel of the world on the remote Easter Island, Rapa Nui, the home of the Polynesians, the expert archeoastronomy sailors who ventured into the ocean guided by the stars, the constellations of the southern hemisphere, the Pleiades - which the elders call killiki (small eyes) - and the Orion Belt (tautoru - the three beautiful ones).

Price €25.99

Celts, people full of legend

The Bards make their old melodies resound... Their poems and songs take us back to the mythical Iron Age, to the captivating Celtic world, where legendary, fierce and undisciplined warriors have populated Europe. Armed with a shield of skin, an iron sword, lime milk on their hair, covered with the skin of the wolf's head and the almost naked body, they have managed to sack Rome and reach the very Delphi in Greece. 

Their pagan gods and the worship of nature reveal to us a magical and mystical civilization, led by powerful druids who every year announce the Samhain, the celebration of the end of the crops and the beginning of the dark season, where the spirits of the dead roam freely...

Price €25.99

We wear Culture - White T-Shirt

Let yourself be seduced by the magical world of Greek mythology. An odyssey awaits you in the land of ancient Greek gods and goddesses, heroines and heroes, secret sites, Homeric poems ...  if you see on the horizon a huge wooden horse, do not be fooled, it is the Achaeans, who they hide inside to enter through the majestic gate of the fortified city of Troy, it could be the end ....the Greeks do not forget that Paris fell madly in love with Helena of Sparta and kidnapped her. There it all began, the war against the Trojans, the heroes of Antiquity, Achilles, Áyax, Héctor ... the epics stories of the Iliad...

Price €25.99

Ancestral Goths II - Black T-Shirt

Adventurers, warriors, survivors, barbarian nomads and plunderers, the epic Goths crossed half the world, living mythical episodes. Related with the Nordic universe, they worshiped the kingdom of Asgard, their eagles and crows that whispered to Odin the thought and memory of the mortals, guide them from the legendary corners of Scandinavia, crossing the Balkans towards the West. They saw the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Muslim, and built a new powerful hispanic state where they coexisted with the three cultures.

Price €25.99

Spartan Resistance - White T-Shirt

Herodotus left written about the heroism of the 300 Spartan headed by King Leonidas who were able with their sacrifice —in front of the Persians of Xerxes I in the Thermopylae— to block the Asians' path, giving the Greeks the opportunity to organize and save democracy in Salamis. When we approach myth and legend, sometimes propaganda moves us too far from reality. We cannot forget that within the slave society of Ancient Greece, Spartan society was extremely cruel, controlling and oppressive, whose citizens were devoted to the "art of war" thanks to the invaluable "help" of the ilotas, "slaves" who supported and served the Spartans until they finally rebelled and were released there by 371a.c

Price €25.99

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