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Culters - We wear Culture


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...


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  • Categories: Killed by Death
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  • Categories: Vestimos Cultura

Hyperborea. Beyond the arctic - Black T-shirt

Hyperborea was one of those lost continents like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu that is believed to be located in the Arctic regions. Along with Tule, it was one of several terrae incognitae of the Greeks and Romans. People were said to live to be a thousand years old and to enjoy lives of complete happiness.

This mythical place full of legends, immortal beings and demigods, has been considered as the polar center of civilization and spirituality of the Golden Age.

Hyperborea has been extensively referenced in literature, from Joyce's Ulysses to the works of the Three Musketeers of the Weird Tale: Clark Ashton Smith in his Hyperborean cycle connects with the literature of HP Lovecraft (with whom he shared a great affinity) and the Cthulhu myths. And good old Robert E. Howard used the name Hyperborea (the first kingdom to form after the destruction of Thuria) as part of the geography of the literary universe of Conan the Barbarian.

Price €25.99

Fuck off! - Black T-shirt

Here is a vulgar but "honorable" gesture of defiance in the face of the barbarism of our time, obviously it is not an oath pose but without a doubt if our good gentleman with his hand on his chest from the Golden Age raised his head he would certainly raise his middle finger with a clenched fist.

Formerly the use of the comb simulated and was linked to the male phallus and its magical power to ward off the evil eye, a kind of phallic amulet against curses.

However, its practice as an obscene gesture comes from Roman times when Caligula offered his hand to his effeminate tribune to be kissed, the delirious and depraved emperor threw his finger in that position to humiliate his subjects.

As a direct insult we must go back to the Hundred Years War that faced the kingdoms of England and France when the French cut off the middle finger of all British archers, who, demoralized, were prevented from using their powerful bow. As the war favored the English, they showed them their middle finger to challenge and mock them.

We leave it to your imagination who to direct such an effective and ancient posture ...

Price €25.99

Eros in Ancient Greece - Black T-shirt

Today we bring Eros, as a mediator of initiatory paths, but do not confuse them with the paths of the metaphysics of sex, as a form of conquest, liberation and empowerment in a couple who travel the alchemical and hermetic path of the left hand, which in a The future will undoubtedly give a great design on sexual magic and androgyny in the primordial race, today we just want to make a small approximation to sexuality in the ancient Greek world.

To say of the Greeks that they were neither homosexual nor heterosexual as we understand it today, the thing happened differently. We cannot approach gender and open and free sexuality in Greek Antiquity with the current modern parameters, with prejudices of a puritan or Judeo-Christian mentality. Let's say that the Greeks were something like "heteroflexible" - today we would say bisexual - although this was not exactly.

Ancient Greece was, in addition to the cradle of democracy and Western philosophy, a society dedicated to the cult of beauty and the body as an expression of values ​​closely related to areté (virtue), with the perfection of the universe and the perfect proportions of the gods — the more like them the more you were blessed. Her ideal of beauty was masculine, this is so. The representation of the naked female body was reserved, almost exclusively, for the worship of divinities associated with human or earth fertility - there we have the goddess of love Aphrodite - and the erotic scenes reproduced in symposia glasses. The woman in general was subordinate to the superiority of the male and beautiful women were often seen as femme fatale, dangerous women, remember the Greek tragedy with Helen of Troy and Medea.

Sexual relations were directed either to perpetuate the species (legitimacy, inheritance, lineages) within the fundamental institution of marriage for the Greeks or to satisfy masculine needs - both with women, slaves, prostitutes and hetairas who, unlike Of the pornai, they were those free culturally and intellectually prepared “company ladies” whose opinions and beliefs were highly respected by society and who participated in Greek symposia, also offering dances, music and conversation of a level—, and not always as complement of love - although it is true that there were couples who loved each other, especially before marriage - because that spiritual stage did not usually transcend with a woman, and love as sex between two men was considered a higher experience than anything it had to do with sexual deviations or depraved acts.

Homosexual relationships - infrequent in women, perhaps due to lack of documentation, the representation of the poet Sappho of Lesbos comes to mind - did not alter the social status or prestige of the people, the encounters between two men were oriented towards training of young people, as a pedagogical practice, a preparation for virility as an incitement to adulthood, never contemplated in the family life that was the fundamental center of society. Eraste and Erómenos, mature (active part) and experienced in "spiritual greatness" with a protective mission, taught their lovers, the young (passive part) to improve, overcome, know how to govern, indoctrinate themselves in the life of the military ... gifts that would serve them to his entire life, in return the ephebo offered his beauty and his commitment, in a friendship that was forged by fire. The Platonic ideal was a non-carnal spiritual relationship, although Greek art, as we have represented, shows us these physical relationships (where the virtue and strength of the mature man was transmitted to the young man through different sexual acts). For this reason, relationships between young people who only sought mere physical pleasure were socially rejected — just as frowned upon were relationships that were perpetuated between older adults.

Obviously with this design we do not want to apologize for anything, much less offend or degrade anyone. Here is simply that we have collected images of vessels and ceramics as a graphic sample of sexual conception in Ancient Greece, seen with today's eyes, they will say freer in many aspects and more degrading in others, in any case just show a vision ancestral normalized in the Hellenic world.

Price €25.99

The Ashes of Hesperia (b&n) - Black T-Shirt

Ashes of Classical Culture that take us to beautiful legends and mythological stories of Antiquity. In the distance the mysterious lands of the west that the Greeks called Hesperia, the Hesperides, that wonderful garden that the Melides or nymphs of fruit trees looked after and that Hercules, the hero of mythology, came to do two of his works on the edge of the earth, perhaps in the lost Tartessos or Atlantis, who knows, in any case they spoke and thought then of the cradle of our ancestors, the one that the historian Strabo baptized as “Iberia.” Many were the classic texts that placed places fabulous like Hades or the flowery Champs-Elysées on our peninsula, the end of the world, where the sun didn't set...

Iberians, Celts, Celtiberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Visigoths ... ancestral civilizations, ancient peoples that left their trail, their substrate scattered on the Iberian skin, on the island where metals were forged. From Tartessos to Hesperia, "Hiberia", Celtiberia, Hispania, Hispania Gothorum, Al-Andalus, Sepharad... melting pot of cultures that watered this fertile land of knowledge and wisdom. On these ashes of legendary kings such as Hispalo and his son Hispan, descendants of Hercules, villages, towns, cities, kingdoms and Empires were raised. Too much blood, between shadows and darkness, a glance towards the light, towards the light of the Ashes of Hesperia that germinates on wasteland and rises, under its ruins, a not alien world that feeds our horizon...

[In the image the representation of the Iberian warrior from Porcuna or warrior with double armor, from the 5th century BC, whose sculptural remains come from the Cerrillo Blanco site in Jaén].

Price €25.99

The Ashes of Hesperia - Black T-Shirt

Ashes of Classical Culture that take us to beautiful legends and mythological stories of Antiquity. In the distance the mysterious lands of the west that the Greeks called Hesperia, the Hesperides, that wonderful garden that the Melides or nymphs of fruit trees looked after and that Hercules, the hero of mythology, came to do two of his works on the edge of the earth, perhaps in the lost Tartessos or Atlantis, who knows, in any case they spoke and thought then of the cradle of our ancestors, the one that the historian Strabo baptized as “Iberia.” Many were the classic texts that placed places fabulous like Hades or the flowery Champs-Elysées on our peninsula, the end of the world, where the sun didn't set...

Iberians, Celts, Celtiberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Visigoths ... ancestral civilizations, ancient peoples that left their trail, their substrate scattered on the Iberian skin, on the island where metals were forged. From Tartessos to Hesperia, "Hiberia", Celtiberia, Hispania, Hispania Gothorum, Al-Andalus, Sepharad... melting pot of cultures that watered this fertile land of knowledge and wisdom. On these ashes of legendary kings such as Hispalo and his son Hispan, descendants of Hercules, villages, towns, cities, kingdoms and Empires were raised. Too much blood, between shadows and darkness, a glance towards the light, towards the light of the Ashes of Hesperia that germinates on wasteland and rises, under its ruins, a not alien world that feeds our horizon...

[In the image the representation of the Iberian warrior from Porcuna or warrior with double armor, from the 5th century BC, whose sculptural remains come from the Cerrillo Blanco site in Jaén].

Price €25.99

Nemesis. The seed of Evil 2. Black T-Shirt

Ancestral memory remind us that the arrogance and pride of humans was punished and inflicted by the gods through Nemesis. In a world where we destroy earth and nature, only rats, insects, corpses, skulls and viruses proliferate. Contaminated species emerge with no control. They are the poisoned roots, the seeds of evil in the form of punishment that the Goddess Nemesis imposes her justice in revenge.

Price €25.99

The Howl of the Wolf. The last Iberian

The last Iberian was a human comet that crossed this world until it was lost in the Iditarot, that distant place of which the natives of Alaska spoke. Its splendor left us with a blast of light that, like the ancient shamans of the tribe, deeply connected us with the forgotten memory of the true meaning of life and its mystery, its cosmic meaning. An invitation to reconnect with that ancestral past in which we beat in harmony with Mother Earth, which desperately urged us to strengthen ties with nature as keys to living in the future, to embrace and save Gaia - who reacts when we mistreat her. , and not be carried away by the drift of modernity that tries to dominate it to maximize material growth.

He wanted to be a wolf to live in unpolluted lands. It was that lupus that was part of mythology - where Palaeolithic man, fully integrated into nature, merged with the wolf in a rite of passage - turned into a warrior to face aggression ... Our archetype was a A rebellious, indomitable, visionary, free and wild hero who did not allow himself to be tamed and who fought tirelessly for life, forests and threatened fauna. The spell of his word, his energy, his enthusiasm, his vitality, his strength, his message and his codes captivated and transformed with his light a lineage, that of the line of the free, that like cranes stretched by the lash of the winter know, if not to return, at least feel, perceive and look out to that lost paradise that you dreamed of, so that in the Iberian nights the beautiful howls of the wolf will not stop being heard.

[Text and Design inspired by Felix Rodríguez de la Fuente and the masterful Cuarto Milenio program: “Felix, the last hero” by Iker Jiménez]

Price €25.99

Tartessia, Raiders of the lost kingdom - Black T-Shirt

Tartessia or Tarshish is considered the first civilization in the West ruled by the legendary Argantonio and located, it is believed, to the south of the Iberian Peninsula, on the riverbed of the Guadalquivir. The echo of a wonderful city, rich in agriculture, livestock and precious metals (silver and gold), is collected in texts, chronicles, stories, biblical episodes, myths and legends. It was the scene of Nórax, Gargoris, Habis and also Hercules, who traveled there, to the Garden of the Hesperides to finish his work, killing the mythological king of Tartessian, the three-headed giant Geryon.

Explorers, archaeologists and researchers continue to search, unsuccessfully, for this lost kingdom of Tartessos, leaving those vestiges in the collective imagination of a unique and mysterious city, of a cultured and happy people, perhaps fused with the Phoenician civilization or extinguished by the Carthaginians. Although it is possible that the classical texts and the sages warn us about the cyclical history of the world... when the very Atlantis that Plato tells us, that wise and advanced humanity was annihilated through a great catastrophe, an implacable divine punishment...

Image: Bronze Carriazo (Astarte, marshes & estuaries' goddesses).

Price €25.99

Die for live. Iberian Wolf - Black T-Shirt

The representation of the wolf in Iberian iconography, as a cult totemic animal, with strong roots in pastoral populations, related to myths and religious symbolism, represents ardor, heroism and warrior mysticism. Combat scenes between wolf and man are common, some symbolize death threat, lineage of power, protection in combat ... and the cult of the night, the path or initiation rite, in the passage to the afterlife, lupus as a guide in the afterlife ...

So recurrent in Iberian art, we find it in the sculptural ensembles of "El Pajarillo", in the Elche-Archena style ceramics, in the mints of the Iltirta and Iltiraka mint, in the "Copa del Carnassier", in the "Torso de Guerrero de la Alcudia"... and in the "Pátera de Perotito" where a young man, his hands are raised in a ritual position, is devoured by the wolf, merging with him, in his transit with the beyond ...

Because the wolf is also death, dying to live, dying to resurrect, when we are eaten we will renew our spirit, as a different being that is reborn as a new man. A journey of the initiate to the world of spirits, a descent to the bottom of the caverns, twinned with a wolf guide who will transfer us his great qualities...

Price €25.99

Iberian Lion - Black T-shirt

In our eagerness to recover the ancestral memory of ancient peoples, we are trying to collect as much graphic material as possible about the Iberians found in ceramics, vessels or glasses, found in deposits in Azaila de Teruel, in San Miguel de Liria, in Tosal de San Miguel, in Acudía de Elche, in the Serreta de Alcoy, in Verdolay, in Archena ... in so many places on the peninsula, to recreate it digitally, trying to be as precise and rigorous as possible in that recreation process to contribute our little granite of sand in the recovery and dissemination of the Iberian Culture.

How could it be otherwise, we begin this new one with the spectacular discovery, found in the South Countryside in an olive grove of the Rambla, of an Iberian lioness - it is still to be determined, but everything indicates that it is so, those last fierce lions of the caverns that survived until their contact with the Iberian people— along with a ram that they have captured and are devouring. They place it between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. C, and apparently it could express a funerary symbol where the injured animal would correspond to the soul of the deceased person.

In the Illustration it can be read in a non-dual system of Iberian signs: León Ibérico

Price €25.99

Vikings! - Black T-Shirt

There is no people more feared than the Viking, they have gone down in history as barbarian invaders, cruel and ruthless warriors from the north who looted, conquered and killed with their deadly axes, however they were incredible navigators, merchants and discoverers, whose mythical stories echoed in the ancient east. Its legends and poems, written in ancient and magical runes, tell alliances and skirmishes between clans and villages, mythological stories where the fierce gods of Asgard, Thor, Migdar, Odin, the Ragnarok or the Valhalla appear, that majestic hall of the fallen where they lived, guided by the Valkyrie, the warriors killed in battle...

Price €25.99

Buried Alive - Black T-shirt

You can't breathe
You can't run
You can't get away
The bell will not save you... 

A custom-made pine suit
Grand Duke without pulse asleep,
The box and the crypt are closed
You can't escape with your keys
And with fogged glass
Who will see you? 

Gelineau Syndrome
Excess Narcolepsy
In a deep sleep you will fall
Flowers on your grave
No spider nails, you scream and bang
To a coffin they won't listen to

Pests, epidemics and cholera
taphephobia does not help you
Two metres below ground
Tight burial
Sealed stone slab
In a matter of hours your choking

Premature funeral
Fear of the dark
Sepulchral silence...
Buried alive you are

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Sun. Solstice II - White T-Shirt

The magic night is yet to come. Our star king has reached its zenith to flood us with light, love, heat & energy.

Jump into the flames, let go of your fears, burn your ballasts and immerse yourself in the pure waters bathed in the full moon of June.

Remember Sirius, bright light from heaven that illuminates the Nile.

Celebrate the god Juno and the goddess Jupiter who celebrate their heavenly love in Ancient Rome.

Praise the goddess Lithia of the Wiccas who in love hopes to be fertilized.

Beware of the mystical, charming, and mischievous Celtic creatures that go out to tangle with humans.

Dance with the druid drums to the rhythm of dawn, at its peak the sun filters, flooding the ancient stones of the StoneHenge with magical light.

& adore forever the oracle of the spirit of nature !!

Price €25.99

CULTERS 2.0 - Black T-shirt

The Old Skull present in our logo, symbolizes the echoes from the past: the bones, the gravestones and the wounded land that speak to us and tell us ancient stories, some of them stunning and beautiful but others forged with iron & blood. Used also in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest. And the second mark of our brand identity, the New Moon, the mysterious female powers of the great goddess mother during the harvest, that means —in old Celtics beliefs— a opportunity to start over, a new beginning after death —after the full moon—.

Price €25.99

Culters Shield - Black T-shirt

The Old Skull present in our logo, symbolizes the echoes from the past: the bones, the gravestones and the wounded land that speak to us and tell us ancient stories, some of them stunning and beautiful but others forged with iron & blood. Used also in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest. And the second mark of our brand identity, the New Moon, the mysterious female powers of the great goddess mother during the harvest, that means —in old Celtics beliefs— a opportunity to start over, a new beginning after death —after the full moon—.

Price €25.99

Buried Alive - Double Print - Black T-shirt

You can't breathe
You can't run
You can't get away
The bell will not save you... 

A custom-made pine suit
Grand Duke without pulse asleep,
The box and the crypt are closed
You can't escape with your keys
And with fogged glass
Who will see you? 

Gelineau Syndrome
Excess Narcolepsy
In a deep sleep you will fall
Flowers on your grave
No spider nails, you scream and bang
To a coffin they won't listen to

Pests, epidemics and cholera
taphephobia does not help you
Two metres below ground
Tight burial
Sealed stone slab
In a matter of hours your choking

Premature funeral
Fear of the dark
Sepulchral silence...
Buried alive you are

Price €29.99

Macabre Dance - Black Long Sleeve T-Shirt

The irreverent and revolutionary Old skull, the spirit of fun. Skulls were used in the old traditions of satirical and ridiculous poems making social criticism and protest, dates 500 years ago. Also had been used in different plays like the ”Dance of Death” in the 14th century. People needed satire to help deal with the grim world (plagues and diseases) around them. But the symbol emerged in Mexico as a means of expression especially used with roguish and ironic tones against the nobles and powerful of the viceroy times. It is also used during the celebration of the day of the death.

Price €38.99

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