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Culters - We wear Culture


Discover our vintage-style clothing store with exclusive designs made by renowned designers, inspired by universal cultural heritage and ancestral historical events.


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  • Categories: Colección Otoño-Invierno
  • Categories: T-Shirts

The alchemy of the Soul - White T-Shirt

Nebuchadnezzar II, the ruler of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylon, conqueror of Judah and Jerusalem, builder of the Hanging Gardens decorated there by the 575a.c the Doors of Istar with lys flowers as a symbol of his power and glory. Used in Indian, Greek and Egyptian cultures, it was closely linked with fertility and with the mother goddess Isis. It is in the 15th century when Alchemy in its search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life, took its meaning as a symbol of illumination, perfection, light, knowledge of secret sciences and resurrection: the tree of life. Included in the five-pointed star, its natural elements of earth, water, air and fire result in the fifth element, the quintessence, the representation of perfection and purity.

Price €29.99

Samurai: Keeper of the Seven Virtues - Black T-Shirt

The seven principles or virtues of bushido is an ethical code that every good samurai warrior should continue to even come to deliver his death if necessary: ​​義 Gi (Justice or Rectitude), 禮 Rei (Respect), 勇 Yu (Courage), 名誉 Meiyo (Honour), 仁 Jin (Benevolence or Mercy), 誠 Makoto (Honesty), 忠義 Chuugi (Loyalty).

“Bushido is performed in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning”. Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

“Bushido is about experiencing life with every breath. See life in the simplest things. There is beauty and honor in that.” Renée Ahdieh.

Price €25.99

The Maid of Orleans - Back&Front Print - Black T-Shirt

You were a humble peasant who barely knew how to read & write. In your native Domremí countryside you heard voices & embarked on an uncertain destiny to liberate France from the English. Together with your faithful soldiers, you raised your banner & launched yourself in suicidal acts until liberating the siege of Orleans & crowning your dolphin. That was your glorious rise that preceded your terrible end. They betrayed you & accused you of heresy. A scorching fire ended your life.

Were you perhaps God's chosen one or a madwoman driven by schizophrenia & hallucinations? Be that as it may, you were the maiden acclaimed by your people, the fervent heroine that you faced against all the powers of the earth until you almost won the Hundred Years War. Today Joan, your name is already a legend.

Price €30.99

The Maid of Orleans - White T-Shirt

You were a humble peasant who barely knew how to read & write. In your native Domremí countryside you heard voices & embarked on an uncertain destiny to liberate France from the English. Together with your faithful soldiers, you raised your banner & launched yourself in suicidal acts until liberating the siege of Orleans & crowning your dolphin. That was your glorious rise that preceded your terrible end. They betrayed you & accused you of heresy. A scorching fire ended your life.

Were you perhaps God's chosen one or a madwoman driven by schizophrenia & hallucinations? Be that as it may, you were the maiden acclaimed by your people, the fervent heroine that you faced against all the powers of the earth until you almost won the Hundred Years War. Today Joan, your name is already a legend.

Price €25.99

The Maid of Orleans - Black T-Shirt

You were a humble peasant who barely knew how to read & write. In your native Domremí countryside you heard voices & embarked on an uncertain destiny to liberate France from the English. Together with your faithful soldiers, you raised your banner & launched yourself in suicidal acts until liberating the siege of Orleans & crowning your dolphin. That was your glorious rise that preceded your terrible end. They betrayed you & accused you of heresy. A scorching fire ended your life.

Were you perhaps God's chosen one or a madwoman driven by schizophrenia & hallucinations? Be that as it may, you were the maiden acclaimed by your people, the fervent heroine that you faced against all the powers of the earth until you almost won the Hundred Years War. Today Joan, your name is already a legend.

Price €25.99

Nobody dances sober - Black T-Shirt

“Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit"  

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €25.99

Starfish Monster - Back&Front Print - Black T-Shirt

"Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time".

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth... As our friend said so well... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown.

Price €30.99

Starfish Monster - Back&Front Print - White T-Shirt

"Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time".

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth... As our friend said so well... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown.

Price €30.99

Cthulhu Cult Member - Black T-Shirt

“Men of learning suspect it little, and ignore it mostly. Wise men have interpreted dreams, and the gods have laughed”.

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth... As our friend said so well... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown.

Price €25.99

Cult Member 2 - Black T-Shirt

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even dead may die" 

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €25.99

NightGaunts - Black T-Shirt

How to differentiate dreams from reality? When truth equals nothing then the ghosts of dreams are as real as what surrounds us...

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth... As our friend said so well... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown.

Price €25.99

Cult Member - Black T-Shirt

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even dead may die" 

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €25.99

Cathars. Keepers of the Secret Treasures IV - Black T-Shirt

"Kill them all, God will know His own". If you see pale, thin and barefoot walkers through the towns of Landeloc, do not fear, they are the Cathars, those "perfect" messengers, good men, vegetarians, celibates, gnostics, dedicated to religious life, of primordial wisdom, who neither collect nor benefits are granted. People who reject oaths, who keep the divine secret and that the church, to exterminate any attempt at heresy, has suffocated in its Albigensian crusade. Their mysterious story is a hymn to truth, freedom and love, to the personal search for the knowledge of God for salvation. On March 1, 1244, the last focus of resistance surrenders at the Montsegur Castle, where they say the Holy Grail is housed. 200 Cathars are burned alive.

Design: 80's Helloween "Keeper" style

Price €24.99

Cathars. Keepers of the Secret Treasures III - Black T-Shirt

"Kill them all, God will know His own". If you see pale, thin and barefoot walkers through the towns of Landeloc, do not fear, they are the Cathars, those "perfect" messengers, good men, vegetarians, celibates, gnostics, dedicated to religious life, of primordial wisdom, who neither collect nor benefits are granted. People who reject oaths, who keep the divine secret and that the church, to exterminate any attempt at heresy, has suffocated in its Albigensian crusade. Their mysterious story is a hymn to truth, freedom and love, to the personal search for the knowledge of God for salvation. On March 1, 1244, the last focus of resistance surrenders at the Montsegur Castle, where they say the Holy Grail is housed. 200 Cathars are burned alive.

Design: 80's Helloween "Keeper" style

Price €25.99

Attract Cultures - Red T-Shirt

Quién eres? De dónde vienes?

No importa, de muy lejos. Venía a conquistar tu tierra, pero ya no puedo…

Inténtalo si te atreves!!, ¿acaso crees que no domino el arte de la naginata?

No voy a luchar contigo… ¿Y eso? ¿el aroma a sakura ha nublado tu ardor guerrero?

Quizá, pero ahora sé que no he surcado con mis naves hasta los confines del universo solo para someteros

¿Someternos? Jamás os vi ni oí hablar de vosotros, pero tu odio jamás nos detendrá…

¿Es que no lo entiendes? No son tu sol, tu espada y tus crisantemos blancos por lo que descansa mi furia

Quédate entonces y verás florecer los cerezos…

Price €29.99
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Steppe Amazon Warriors II - Black T-Shirt

The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the Scythian Amazons who, as children, learned to use the curved bow and arrow. The eagle and the horse their inseparable companions. They became skilled horsemen who nurtured the ranks of their armies. Tattooed with fantastic animals infused with magical powers, their bravery led them to lead the nomadic tribes. Heroes like Hercules or Alexander succumbed to its seductive power. Among the warriors of the steppes we must mention Tomiris, who defeated and killed Cirio II himself, or Khutulun the Mongol princess who was never defeated (neither on the battlefield nor in traditional Bökh wrestling). Entire generations of women who fought valiantly and helped to put Rome, Greece, China and Persia at bay.

Price €25.99

Steppe Amazon Warriors - Black T-Shirt

The Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the Scythian Amazons who, as children, learned to use the curved bow and arrow. The eagle and the horse their inseparable companions. They became skilled horsemen who nurtured the ranks of their armies. Tattooed with fantastic animals infused with magical powers, their bravery led them to lead the nomadic tribes. Heroes like Hercules or Alexander succumbed to its seductive power. Among the warriors of the steppes we must mention Tomiris, who defeated and killed Cirio II himself, or Khutulun the Mongol princess who was never defeated (neither on the battlefield nor in traditional Bökh wrestling). Entire generations of women who fought valiantly and helped to put Rome, Greece, China and Persia at bay.

Price €25.99

Shipwreck soul - Black T-Shirt

Sailors be careful as you approach the coasts of being caught by the songs of the mermaids. You will be absorbed in their melodies, their voices will invite you to pleasure & you will forget everything else. These young maidens, with shiny scales, fear nothing, that although they descend from the depths, from the darkness & the cold, their hearts are warm. Legend has it that Ulises was close to crossing the gates of Hades when hearing his seductive music if it were not because he tied himself to a mast so that he could not throw himself into the waters. Who does not want in exchange for a tragic but beautiful ending to continue dreaming, imagining to escape the sad reality? Let's be dreamers and fight for a world where imagination do not end up leaving the mermaids themselves stranded.

Price €25.99

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