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Culters - We wear Culture


Discover our vintage-style clothing store with exclusive designs made by renowned designers, inspired by universal cultural heritage and ancestral historical events.


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Attract Cultures - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

Quién eres? De dónde vienes?

No importa, de muy lejos. Venía a conquistar tu tierra, pero ya no puedo…

Inténtalo si te atreves!!, ¿acaso crees que no domino el arte de la naginata?

No voy a luchar contigo… ¿Y eso? ¿el aroma a sakura ha nublado tu ardor guerrero?

Quizá, pero ahora sé que no he surcado con mis naves hasta los confines del universo solo para someteros

¿Someternos? Jamás os vi ni oí hablar de vosotros, pero tu odio jamás nos detendrá…

¿Es que no lo entiendes? No son tu sol, tu espada y tus crisantemos blancos por lo que descansa mi furia

Quédate entonces y verás florecer los cerezos…

Price €29.99

Onna bugeisha: Samurai Women - White Sleeveless T-Shirt BN

This is our tribute to the fearsome and honorable lady samurai of Japan, Onna-Bugeisha.

Warriors like the courageous Empress Jingū who defied the social norms of her time, or the menacing and loyal Tomoe Gozen, who according to the 13th century poem the Song of Heike, was a reckless horsewoman to whom neither the bravest horse nor the most rugged land could intimidate, capable of, with her skillful handling of the sword and the arch, face a thousand fierce warriors; or the intrepid Nakato Takeko who instructed in the martial arts of the naginata, directed the famous independent female unit Joshitai and before being captured by her enemies, asked her sister to cut off her head, following the Seppuku ritual.

The image of the shirt is an adaptation of Tomoe Gozen portrayed by Kikuchi Yōsai.

Price €29.99

The alchemy of the Soul - White T-Shirt

Nebuchadnezzar II, the ruler of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylon, conqueror of Judah and Jerusalem, builder of the Hanging Gardens decorated there by the 575a.c the Doors of Istar with lys flowers as a symbol of his power and glory. Used in Indian, Greek and Egyptian cultures, it was closely linked with fertility and with the mother goddess Isis. It is in the 15th century when Alchemy in its search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life, took its meaning as a symbol of illumination, perfection, light, knowledge of secret sciences and resurrection: the tree of life. Included in the five-pointed star, its natural elements of earth, water, air and fire result in the fifth element, the quintessence, the representation of perfection and purity.

Price €29.99

The Lineage of the Free I - White Seeveless T-Shirt

"Only dead fish follow the stream of the river".

Swimming against the current is an odyssey in an open world where paradoxically there is more access to information but at the same time we are more controlled. Reflections of those dystopian universes — riddled with environmental disasters and cataclysms — from science fiction novels have come true. But there is still hope. There are spaces of freedom to ambush, where dissidents and freethinkers can react and rebel against the flashes of tyranny, censorship and dehumanization present in society. In some remote and lost place the Lineage of the free will always resist.

Price €29.99

Onna bugeisha: Samurai Women - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

This is our tribute to the fearsome and honorable lady samurai of Japan, Onna-Bugeisha.

Warriors like the courageous Empress Jingū who defied the social norms of her time, or the menacing and loyal Tomoe Gozen, who according to the 13th century poem the Song of Heike, was a reckless horsewoman to whom neither the bravest horse nor the most rugged land could intimidate, capable of, with her skillful handling of the sword and the arch, face a thousand fierce warriors; or the intrepid Nakato Takeko who instructed in the martial arts of the naginata, directed the famous independent female unit Joshitai and before being captured by her enemies, asked her sister to cut off her head, following the Seppuku ritual.

The image of the shirt is an adaptation of Tomoe Gozen portrayed by Kikuchi Yōsai.

Price €29.99

The Maid of Orleans - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

You were a humble peasant who barely knew how to read & write. In your native Domremí countryside you heard voices & embarked on an uncertain destiny to liberate France from the English. Together with your faithful soldiers, you raised your banner & launched yourself in suicidal acts until liberating the siege of Orleans & crowning your dolphin. That was your glorious rise that preceded your terrible end. They betrayed you & accused you of heresy. A scorching fire ended your life.

Were you perhaps God's chosen one or a madwoman driven by schizophrenia & hallucinations? Be that as it may, you were the maiden acclaimed by your people, the fervent heroine that you faced against all the powers of the earth until you almost won the Hundred Years War. Today Joan, your name is already a legend.

Price €29.99

Cult Member - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even dead may die" 

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters ... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth .... As our friend said so well ... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown »

Price €29.99

Apocalypta - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

Listen to her desires, there is no calm from where to escape, the intensity of her pain is revealed which encloses the secret in a ritual of beats about to explode. The essence of light at the heart of her formula: Ode to freedom, an irreverent burst of daring that awakens consciences, melt into the encounter of civilizations, the tension finally gives way to lethal caresses that confine hatred and envelop it in the depths. Crucible of Cultures, catalyst of life. Redeeming Apocalypse. Listen inside, there is no longer anguish and pain. A new horizon enriches her soul.

Price €29.99

Ancestral Goths - White Sleeveless T-Shirt

Adventurers, warriors, survivors, barbarians, nomads and plunderers, the epic Goths crossed half the world, living mythical episodes. Related with the Nordic universe, they worshiped the kingdom of Asgard, their eagles and crows that whispered to Odin the thought and memory of the mortals, guide them from the legendary corners of Scandinavia, crossing the Balkans towards the West. They saw the fall of the Roman Empire and the rise of the Muslim, and built a new powerful hispanic state where they coexisted with the three cultures.

Price €29.99

The Maid of Orleans - White T-Shirt

You were a humble peasant who barely knew how to read & write. In your native Domremí countryside you heard voices & embarked on an uncertain destiny to liberate France from the English. Together with your faithful soldiers, you raised your banner & launched yourself in suicidal acts until liberating the siege of Orleans & crowning your dolphin. That was your glorious rise that preceded your terrible end. They betrayed you & accused you of heresy. A scorching fire ended your life.

Were you perhaps God's chosen one or a madwoman driven by schizophrenia & hallucinations? Be that as it may, you were the maiden acclaimed by your people, the fervent heroine that you faced against all the powers of the earth until you almost won the Hundred Years War. Today Joan, your name is already a legend.

Price €25.99

Starfish Monster - Back&Front Print - White T-Shirt

"Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time".

H. P. Lovecraft, poet, essayist, author, an appreciated and misunderstood genius of the cosmic horror novel. Pagan and creator of blasphemous stories of the wonderful and the ridiculous, his oniric dreams have drawn the worst of our nightmares and inspired in the form of worship the curious and daring who have come to read his chilling and delicious work full of outer beings, ancient gods and ancestral monsters... Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarathotep, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth... As our friend said so well... The oldest and strongest emotion of humankind is fear, and the most oldest and strongest kind of fears is fear of the unknown.

Price €30.99

Onna bugeisha: Samurai Women - White T-Shirt

This is our tribute to the fearsome and honorable lady samurai of Japan, Onna-Bugeisha.

Warriors like the courageous Empress Jingū who defied the social norms of her time, or the menacing and loyal Tomoe Gozen, who according to the 13th century poem the Song of Heike, was a reckless horsewoman to whom neither the bravest horse nor the most rugged land could intimidate, capable of, with her skillful handling of the sword and the arch, face a thousand fierce warriors; or the intrepid Nakato Takeko who instructed in the martial arts of the naginata, directed the famous independent female unit Joshitai and before being captured by her enemies, asked her sister to cut off her head, following the Seppuku ritual.

The image of the shirt is an adaptation of Tomoe Gozen portrayed by Kikuchi Yōsai.

Price €25.99

We wear Culture - White T-Shirt

Let yourself be seduced by the magical world of Greek mythology. An odyssey awaits you in the land of ancient Greek gods and goddesses, heroines and heroes, secret sites, Homeric poems ...  if you see on the horizon a huge wooden horse, do not be fooled, it is the Achaeans, who they hide inside to enter through the majestic gate of the fortified city of Troy, it could be the end ....the Greeks do not forget that Paris fell madly in love with Helena of Sparta and kidnapped her. There it all began, the war against the Trojans, the heroes of Antiquity, Achilles, Áyax, Héctor ... the epics stories of the Iliad...

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Leopard - White T-Shirt

The Jaguar, symbol of darkness and light, spiritual strength and fertility, courage and power. Considered by ancient civilizations as the most feared and sacred animal. In Aztec mythology he is the god of the night sky, Tezcatlipoc. The Mayan beliefs relate the existence of the Sun God, capable of transforming itself into a jaguar of mottled skin covered with stars able to enter the world of the dead, defeat the lords of Xibalba and to dominate day and night. They are also mentioned in the Popol Vuh as dangerous inhabitants capable of moving between the dead and the living. A Total Eclipse will bring back the jaguars of the underworld that will devour all that is known of this land until the end of the world.

Price €25.99

Apocalypta - White T-Shirt

Listen to her desires, there is no calm from where to escape, the intensity of her pain is revealed which encloses the secret in a ritual of beats about to explode. The essence of light at the heart of her formula: Ode to freedom, an irreverent burst of daring that awakens consciences, melt into the encounter of civilizations, the tension finally gives way to lethal caresses that confine hatred and envelop it in the depths. Crucible of Cultures, catalyst of life. Redeeming Apocalypse. Listen inside, there is no longer anguish and pain. A new horizon enriches her soul.

Price €25.99

Spartan Resistance - White T-Shirt

Herodotus left written about the heroism of the 300 Spartan headed by King Leonidas who were able with their sacrifice —in front of the Persians of Xerxes I in the Thermopylae— to block the Asians' path, giving the Greeks the opportunity to organize and save democracy in Salamis. When we approach myth and legend, sometimes propaganda moves us too far from reality. We cannot forget that within the slave society of Ancient Greece, Spartan society was extremely cruel, controlling and oppressive, whose citizens were devoted to the "art of war" thanks to the invaluable "help" of the ilotas, "slaves" who supported and served the Spartans until they finally rebelled and were released there by 371a.c

Price €25.99

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