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Culters - We wear Culture

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There are 242 products.

Showing 73-90 of 242 item(s)

Meatlove. Viking Fest - Black T-Shirt

The Great Gastronomic Festival of the Northern Lands is already announced. Menu of the day: Butcher shop, farmhouse, spines, needles, blood sausages, neck, gizzards, feet, trotters, brains, snout, guts, broths, eyes, ears, livers, kidneys, tongues ... succulent and popular Nordic dishes to consume during the summer solstice. Sharpen your ax and come to enjoy this awaited Viking event. Gobble and devour these delicacies with the authentic house beer. What a sausage Fest!!! A Delicatessen!!! Skol!!!

Price €25.99

Funerary Fest. See you on the other side!! - Black T-Shirt

For Osiris and for Apis !!! Tickets for the Funeraryfest in ancient Egypt are now on sale! They say that it was some Martians who laid the first stone of the Festi. Be that as it may, you are going to enjoy arid views full of spectacular sphinxes, dung beetles, cursed sarcophagi and nice mummies contaminated with deadly fungi and toxic mold along the 6,650 km that bathe the Nile. Do not forget sunscreen and a repellent for the crocodiles because even Horus and Anubis themselves were savagely attacked. You can bring pets, preferably cats, if you do not want to suffer the wrath of the gods and pharaohs. In addition there are mythological pyrotechnics and guaranteed killer downloads. At the end of the event do not forget to sign in the book of the dead.

Price €25.99

Warriors of the Universe (tercio) - White T-Shirt

Disciplined centurions, medieval knights, furious Spartans, lethal Vikings, honorable samurai, untamed Celts, courageous Thirds, legendary native Indians, fearsome Aztecs... Warriors of the world who have changed history. Idealists and mercenaries faced almost always in cruel and unjust wars. Acts of heroism, bravery and honour are sullied by the most despicable and ruthless actions... The warrior by his activity of Justice, Fortitude and Temperance, has to avoid the effects of the wars, not to invent, to promote, to foment and to live of them.

Price €25.99

Viking Anatomy - Black T-Shirt

Not everyone who wanders is lost... It could symbolize a compass or the Vegvísir of the giants of the North, but the truth is that it is the adaptation of Da Vinci's Vitruvian man to bring us closer to the Viking anatomy. Clichés aside, were they muscular, tall, blond and blue-eyed, tattooed, with a beard and a big hair that you shit on? Well, yes, with nuances. As for the Scandinavian touch, it must be said that there was also ethnic diversity due to the migrations and abductions around Europe, their strength was that of the multi-faceted farmers who so soon fought, fished or farmed. They were fearful because of their height, the axes, the looting and those "little details" that we have been told about. It must be said that they were no more terrifying and violent than other people or civilizations of the time.

Price €25.99

The Forest of Druids - Green heather T-shirt

They were sorcerers and magicians who practiced sacrifices and rituals, philosophers and theologians who studied and taught the arts of the natural sciences. Their innumerable knowledge and valued advice made them essential in any society, town or kingdom, those wise men were the elite of the Celts and the link between deities and man. The sacred forest was his temple, the cosmos and the spirit his school, the plants and animals his inspiration to understand the relationship between the divine, humans and nature.

Price €29.99

Ta Moko, tattooed roots of the underworld - Midnight Heather T-Shirt

There is a legend that says that in a place in the Pacific called Teaoturoa, lived a handsome warrior named Mataora who was captivated by the exotic and irresistible beauty of a woman from the underworld, daughter of Uetonga, descendant of the goddess of the night and the god of earthquakes and named Niwareka. He was so captivated that he asked her to marry him and she agreed to stay in his world. Things worked until one unfortunate day the brave Mataora went into a rage and violently mistreated the princess. Drowning in her sadness, she left her husband, returning to Rarohenga, to her old underground life. The clouds wept, the trees screamed, the rivers bled ... the warrior's supplications echoed in the depths of the earth. Sorry for his actions, he descended in search of his beloved to implore her forgiveness. Uetonga, who recognized him when he arrived, gave a great laugh because the hero's body paint had been erased along the way. Naked with shame, he exposed his pain in tears of regret, to which the merciful King forgave him by permanently tattooing him and showing him the art of Ta Moko. Reconciled, they returned from the afterlife, where they taught generation after generation this traditional Maori tattoo technique from New Zealand.

Price €29.99

Celtiberic Land II - Black T-Shirt

The fierce resistance against the invader of the pre-Roman peoples comes from afar. In the peninsula, the process concluded with the Cantabrian wars (19 BC), where in a bloody war the Romans fought against the Celtic peoples of the North (the Asturian and Cantabrian tribes). Iberia was the scene of wars of occupation, subjugation, strategic alliances, cultural assimilation, interests and betrayals from Carthage -Sagunto- and subsequent rebellions, in the development of Romanization, such as the ilergetes and Iberians (submitted in 190 BC), the resistance Turdetanas, Celtíberas or Lusitanas with Viriato at the head ...

These Celtic or Proto-Celtic peoples (Galaicos, Cantabrians, Astures, Belos, Titos and Pelendones, Arévacos, Vacceos, Celtíberos, Vettones, Carpetanos, Lusitanos) who, from the end of the Bronze Age and throughout the Iron Age, shared the culture of the Urn Fields - use of iron for weapons and cremation of their dead -, beliefs, gods, cults, magic, forests, devotion to ritual warfare and duels, resisted - fighting and defending in its fortified Castros - until the Roman Empire put an end to the Spanish Celtic or Celtiberia by destroying the last Celtiberian bastion (Numancia).

Price €25.99

The Cult of the Sun. Solstice II - White T-Shirt

The magic night is yet to come. Our star king has reached its zenith to flood us with light, love, heat & energy.

Jump into the flames, let go of your fears, burn your ballasts and immerse yourself in the pure waters bathed in the full moon of June.

Remember Sirius, bright light from heaven that illuminates the Nile.

Celebrate the god Juno and the goddess Jupiter who celebrate their heavenly love in Ancient Rome.

Praise the goddess Lithia of the Wiccas who in love hopes to be fertilized.

Beware of the mystical, charming, and mischievous Celtic creatures that go out to tangle with humans.

Dance with the druid drums to the rhythm of dawn, at its peak the sun filters, flooding the ancient stones of the StoneHenge with magical light.

& adore forever the oracle of the spirit of nature !!

Price €25.99

Vikings! - Black T-Shirt

There is no people more feared than the Viking, they have gone down in history as barbarian invaders, cruel and ruthless warriors from the north who looted, conquered and killed with their deadly axes, however they were incredible navigators, merchants and discoverers, whose mythical stories echoed in the ancient east. Its legends and poems, written in ancient and magical runes, tell alliances and skirmishes between clans and villages, mythological stories where the fierce gods of Asgard, Thor, Migdar, Odin, the Ragnarok or the Valhalla appear, that majestic hall of the fallen where they lived, guided by the Valkyrie, the warriors killed in battle...

Price €25.99

Yule, pagan nativity - White T-shirt

Naked, in front of oneself, next to the oak, the sun awaits us, it plays night vigil.

Let the log burn, let us burn the old,

and with its ashes we purify our soul,

their fertile sowing give us an abundance of heart and wisdom.

May the ancestors join us in the great banquet until dawn.

The life that sleeps under the earth will be reborn after darkness.


Price €25.99

Lupercalia I - Black T-shirt

If you have seen women running through the streets from one place to another being chased by some half naked guys in wolf skins who whipped and whipped them with bloody strips of ram, do not be alarmed! they are just remembering an old pagan festival, something lewd that yes, but it was a sacred rite of purification and fecundity celebrated in Ancient Rome every February 15 called the lupercales or Lupercalia.

The word comes from lupus, that is, wolf and its Roman god of fertility and male sexuality Fauno Luperco (Greek mythological deity Pan, the one who protected the wolf), a strange, hairy being, with legs and horns of a goat and large, pointed ears with a voracious and infinite sexual appetite.

One of the legends tells that in the ancient city of Alba Longa, the evil Amulio after deposing his brother Numitor from the throne, ordered to kill all his first-born, turning his daughter Rea Silvia into a virgin so that she would not have successors, but The god of war Mars was enraptured by the girl and they procreated the brothers Romulus and Remus, who managed to escape from the clutches of their uncle Amulio, managing to survive in the forests thanks to the woodpecker and the she-wolf Luperca who nursed and raised them. Years later they would return to their homeland to take revenge and kill him.

Due to the shortage of fertility and women in Rome, the oracle of the goddess Juno announced that the mothers of Lazio would be fertilized by a male goat. For this purpose, a ritual was held every February 15 in the Lupercal cave - there where Romulus and Remus were suckled by the she-wolf - where the most virile young men were selected - those ephebos who, on their initiation path, had lived in the forests as human wolves—, called loberos or luperci (friends of the wolf), and their faces were marked with the blood of a dog and a sacrificed male goat.

To make the rite more fun and interesting, virile members were created in the form of strips with the skin of the goat ... The libido to the surface, the lustful participants launched themselves in the carnal search for women eager to be impregnated, who agreed in a Shameless sexual play, whipping and spanking included, in a depurifying act that increased fertility.

Christianity erased with a stroke of the pen this fun bacchanal, so beneficial to health and to the women of Ancient Rome, moving it to February 14, Valentine's Day.

Price €25.99

Fuck off! - Black T-shirt

Here is a vulgar but "honorable" gesture of defiance in the face of the barbarism of our time, obviously it is not an oath pose but without a doubt if our good gentleman with his hand on his chest from the Golden Age raised his head he would certainly raise his middle finger with a clenched fist.

Formerly the use of the comb simulated and was linked to the male phallus and its magical power to ward off the evil eye, a kind of phallic amulet against curses.

However, its practice as an obscene gesture comes from Roman times when Caligula offered his hand to his effeminate tribune to be kissed, the delirious and depraved emperor threw his finger in that position to humiliate his subjects.

As a direct insult we must go back to the Hundred Years War that faced the kingdoms of England and France when the French cut off the middle finger of all British archers, who, demoralized, were prevented from using their powerful bow. As the war favored the English, they showed them their middle finger to challenge and mock them.

We leave it to your imagination who to direct such an effective and ancient posture ...

Price €25.99

The path of the left hand - Black T-Shirt

It is a search and an encounter, when all the paths lead us to self-flagellation, to tricks and patches that have little or nothing to do with the true meaning of life, when accelerated technique envelops us and misleads us, camouflages the way, when the ruins of the past are those ruins that inspire but do not resurrect, then it seems that nothing remains, but the sterile contemplation of decadent nihilism or the addition / addiction to the "heroine" of modernity. Here then is a path to travel the world, our world, an awakening of self-knowledge, the path of the left hand for the kali yuga, an opportunity to conquer oneself, to taste the poison and turn it into an elixir, to be a test and an example. in front of our friends and enemies, to muddy us, to make mistakes and to rectify if necessary. Make the Dark Ages our stage and theater of life, our forger of character, our spiritual nourishment — along with the sources of perennial wisdom — to overcome, conquer and liberate ourselves.

Price €25.99

Warriors of Conquest - Black T-shirt

October 12, Hispanic Day. They have asked us to launch something commemorative for the date and we have been thinking about how to approach the Conquest without being dragged by the Black Legend or by chauvinism or irrational nationalism, an exclusive jingoism in many cases. Nor did we want to go into details and nuances about the differences between civilizing empires versus predatory empires, or disquisitions about rights, cruelties and benefits.

This memory is perhaps more metaphysical and spiritual, an approach oriented to the epic, the deed, the courage, the patriotism and the identity of the peoples. Influence the epic of some brave men whose gods were born in Extremadura and who, dressed in swords, breastplate and morion, jumped into the sea seeking glory and fortune for their Empire, and who faced other mythical and honorable giants, strong and powerful warriors protected by their gods of War and the Sun, who worshiped the rain and the stars in their imposing temples and who fought fiercely while beating their drums carved in ahuehuete wood - Huehuetl is thought to have a mystical and ancestral sense , because its sound is related to the heart of the earth.

Thinking about the dimensions of that historic journey and that encounter, remembering those men on both sides of the pond is what we have intended with this design, a look at that world in which life hung by a thread, and in that being, courage, honor and spirit had a value that today we can hardly imagine.

Price €25.99

Fuck Cancel Culture. Cervantes - Black T-Shirt

Cancel culture is the withdrawal of support, be it moral, financial, digital, and even social, from those people or organizations that are deemed inadmissible for their comments and actions. Those, those or "those" who transgress the new established order. The perfectly orchestrated trolls and bots to boycott and stigmatize the heretic. Everything fits here, we have all seen the virtual lynchings of those who criticize the system, who do not adhere to any side, and are tightly controlled by the thought police. Artists, writers, rockers, metalheads, famous freethinkers who use "non-inclusive" language and have been defenestrated and burned in those public bonfires. It is the new modern inquisition that limits freedoms and censors all dissidence.

Through newspeak —what is language but the soul of peoples transmitted from generation to generation! We think through it and it guides our behavior—a new change in mentality, another step towards cultural hegemony, a new victory to surrender to this modernity. That revisionism and that political correctness that subjects masters like Tolkien or Lovecraft, to comics like Tintin, Conan, the classics and popular tales and a very long etcetera...

Allow us the outburst and exaggeration, but we believe they will end the great works and authors of Literature. The rich language provided by the geniuses —such as Quevedo, Lope, Calderón or Cervantes— of our Golden Age, full of beauty and greatness, as well as comedy, satire and scathing baroque insults, will soon be persecuted and we will have to apologize because these soldier poets, eager for a spirit of adventure and militia, were born in our bull's skin. The century of arms and letters will be cancelled, its virtues and its universal themes of truth, honor, love, spirit, courage, heroism, chivalry or country will be reduced to ashes in this "reversal" of the politically correct.

Price €25.99

II. Antidote to the Modern World - Black T-Shirt

"God is in the center, all roads lead to Him."

"Tradition is not a childish and outmoded mythology but a science that is terribly real"

The thinker, philosopher and poet Frithjof Schuon, promoter of the Sophia Perennis —influenced by the work of René Guenón—, and philosopher of the metaphysical current of Shankara and Plato, scholar of Christianity, Islam and Sufism, advocated the "Unity Transcendent of Religions" (above the devotional, totemic, animist, shamanic, telluric or lunar religions of a matrix nature where the possibility of Awakening to the Supersensible Reality or to the Supreme Principle that is found at the origin of the Cosmos is not conceived) as an antidote to modern nihilism.

Tradition, understanding this not as folklore or customs but as a reflection on the physical plane of the Transcendent reality, as a bridge between heaven and earth. Thus, man is not shielded before transcendence, he can come to see the light and update that transcendent seed within himself. An initiatory path of the hero to update the spirit that we carry in potential to conquer eternity, transmuting us into unconditioned sacred warriors of the world of becoming.

Let us think of Rome and its solar spirituality, of the Greek Dorians of Apollonian worship, that lineage that founded Sparta, of the Celtiberians with their warrior brotherhoods and the mors triunphalis, of the ascetic warrior cavalry of the High Middle Ages, of the Arthurian cycle, the Temple , the Holy Roman Empire, Taoism, Tantrism, the Vedas, the samurai and Zen Buddhism… where Tradition was very much alive…

That traditional world that also considered that the forces of nature were alive, they had a soul. Nature and the universe was someone. There was a sacral interpretation of virgin nature. From the Plains Indians —Schuon "saw something of the nobility and majesty of the Primordial tradition"—, the Celts, the Slavs, the Germans, classical Greece or ancient China.

Thus, there are clues in the world of Tradition to enliven the Sophia Perennis and face the darkness of the modern world or kali-yuga. The world of Tradition as an antidote to the Modern world.

Price €25.99

Celtiberian wolf devouring the sun - Black T-shirt

The image comes from the bronze Celtiberian hospitality Tsera in the shape of a wolf in zenith perspective that appeared in Burgos, related to a Celtic myth of the end of the world, known as the myth of the “Wolf that devours the Sun”.

The representation of the wolf in Iberian iconography, as a cult totemic animal, with strong roots in pastoral populations, related to myths and religious symbolism, represents ardor, heroism and warrior mysticism. Combat scenes between wolf and man are common, some symbolize death threat, lineage of power, protection in combat ... and the cult of the night, the path or initiation rite, in the passage to the afterlife, lupus as a guide in the afterlife ...

So recurrent in Iberian art, we find it in the sculptural ensembles of "El Pajarillo", in the Elche-Archena style ceramics, in the mints of the Iltirta and Iltiraka mint, in the "Copa del Carnassier", in the "Torso de Guerrero de la Alcudia"... and in the "Pátera de Perotito" where a young man, his hands are raised in a ritual position, is devoured by the wolf, merging with him, in his transit with the beyond ...

Because the wolf is also death, dying to live, dying to resurrect, when we are eaten we will renew our spirit, as a different being that is reborn as a new man. A journey of the initiate to the world of spirits, a descent to the bottom of the caverns, twinned with a wolf guide who will transfer us his great qualities...

Price €25.99

Pelayo 718 - Black T-Shirt

protected, with this sign the enemy is defeated"). Pelayo attributed his success to the use of this protective emblem. Whether or not the story about Don Pelayo and the battle of Covadonga is more reliable is told: if it was in 718 or 722, the number of participants according to the chronicles, recent studies talking about a riot of four uncles, what if it ended Reconquista was coined in contemporary times... the truth is that myths and legends convey to us the vision of what our ancestors believed, felt and lived at that time —let's stop judging the past with today's values"—, and That collective feeling and thought at that key moment, that fact, was the flame that lit and motivated the slow but persistent advance towards the south in that process of recovery of the lost kingdom, the so-called Reconquista, towards the definitive unity of Christian kingdoms, concluded with the capture of Granada in 1492.

 [T-shirt proposed by Elena Arquimbau]

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runa-1.jpg Sustainability: Made of 100% ring spun good quality soft cotton. Sustainably grown and ethically harvested. 

runa-2.jpg Durability: The fabric is soft and resistant, it doesn't fade shrink as long as the washing instructions are heeded.

runa-3.jpg Eco Friendly: The coloring materials are ecological, certified and safe. They are not a risk to human health.

runa-4.jpg Creativity: The designs are unique. Made by hand by recognized illustrators and digitized with the best techniques to achieve a high quality finish.

csr Genuine Responsibility: Caring for people, Conserving the environment and Creating stronger communities.

csr Transversality: Knowledge, respect and Integration of all the World Ancestral Cultures.


Get up with the sun, with the beats of nature; open your heart and soul to the Great spirit; feed on the ancestral wisdom, take care of your mother, your land and enjoy the trip but do not leave traces...

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